Saving the environment by helping you find best eco friendly diapers for your child.
Author: Khushboo Kirale
- >> Post Created: April 9, 2021
- >> Last Updated: March 28, 2025
12 Best Biodegradable Diapers - Table of Contents
Disposable diapers have been every parent’s best friend as well as enemy since day 1. They are basically a double-edged sword, you are happy to have them around because it makes diaper changing easier; but the chemicals and non-decomposable materials of the diapers make them harmful for your baby and our planet.
As per a report, about 20 billion diapers are disposed into landfills in the US every year. It equals to around 3.5 million tons of waste. The world statistics will make this number a lot higher.
We have to remember that we only have one planet (until Elon Musk finds a find a way to colonize Mars off course) – THERE IS NO PLANET B, and we have to do whatever we can to keep it healthy. One baby step that you can take is to replace the traditional disposable diapers that you use with the more environmentally friendly biodegradable diapers.
We know that as busy parents you don’t have the time to do research and find the perfect biodegradable diaper for your baby. So, we have done the required research for you. Our list of “12 best biodegradable diapers of 2022” along with a detailed guide to biodegradable diapers will help you find an eco friendly diaper or organic diaper option that is gentle on your baby’s tush and also decomposes quickly. Isn’t that a win-win situation!!!
Basis our research the top 3 biodegradable disposable diapers are Andy Pandy Biodegradable diapers, Dyper Bamboo baby diapers and Bambo Nature eco friendly diapers. I am glad am happy to help you all NATURE ENTHUSIASTS on the more sustainable path and saving our environment.
You could also have a look at our suggestions on diapers for sensitive skin and select best from both these lists. Hope our suggestions help you.
Why should you use biodegradable diapers?
Until the last decade, cloth diapers were the only choice available if you wanted sustainable and eco friendly diaper options.
But our busy lives make using cloth diapers impractical, and many parents prefer the use of disposable diapers to save time and energy. Following this trend, we have ended up with 20 billion diapers in landfills and it will keep growing if we don’t do anything about it.
The alarming problem with these disposable diapers is that they do not degrade after going into trash and then to the landfills even after hundreds of years. The direct sunlight and oxygen fail to diminish them.
It will take about 500 years for a single diaper to decompose in the landfill.
These diapers not only remain in the environment for a long time, they also add to the already increasing pollution by:
- Contaminating the groundwater
- The excrements released from the diapers gush into local water
- The petrochemical used in these conventional diapers have nasty effects on health
- Inner layer of the diaper is full of chemicals and causes allergic reactions
- The dyes and dioxins used in diapers are carcinogenic
We can no longer ignore the above effects of disposable diapers. Taking serious steps towards betterment of the baby’s health is as important as keeping the environment clean. Biodegradable diapers are made of naturally grown materials and they are decomposed in a few months.
Read this next
What are the features you should look at while buying biodegradable diapers?
First of all, if a brand claims to be “Green” or “Eco friendly Diapers,” then you can give it some weightage. These terms mean that manufacturers have used materials that are more organic and have recognized the importance of playing a part to live more sustainably with the environment. But sometimes just labelling “green” or “eco friendly diapers” does not mean the product is completely safe for the environment. The following features will also have to be considered to understand if they really are environmentally friendly diapers:
Less or no chemicals
We are combating against chemical-based diapers because these are in direct contact with the baby’s skin for long hours transferring toxic chemicals into the baby’s body. When these diapers are disposed of, they transfer the chemicals they contain into the environment, which affects the planet for hundreds of years. It’s poisonous…
Look for diapers that have:
- No chlorine
- No latex
- No dye
- No perfume
- No additives
- No alcohol
- No parabens
- No phthalates
Green diapers are made of bio-chemicals that are taken from nature to keep your baby and earth clean.
Normal diapers are only up to 30% biodegradable, and that is not acceptable. While buying environmentally friendly diapers, check the level of biodegradability. Good biodegradable diapers lie anywhere between 75 and 100%. 75% biodegradable diapers take 2–3 months for decomposition, which is better than 30%, because diapers do not degrade a 100%. Nor does our list contain diapers with 100% biodegradability.
Absorption capacity
If the diaper is not holding the pee or runny blowouts then it is completely kaput. After looking at the safety measures, the next thing to look at is the absorption capacity of the diaper.
A normal biodegradable diaper can absorb liquid effectively for 3 to 4 hours, but there are few that can be used overnight and don’t leak. Check your requirements and see what works best for you.
You have bought the best diaper for your baby after conducting prolonged research, but if it is tight around the legs and waist because these do not have stretchy tabs and panels then it’s a problem. Furthermore, the top sheet should be wetness resistant to keep the baby dry and prevent rashes and infections.
Hence even the smallest elements within design of a diaper could become a deciding factor while shortlisting the right biodegradable diapers for your child.
It is true that biodegradable eco friendly diapers cost more than typical ones and that is justified.
But all eco friendly diapers are not expensive. There are few that give the same level of protection and are easier on the pocket. We have added an assortment of biodegradable diapers in our list to cater all the budgets.
Are disposable diapers harmful to the baby?
The below points will help you understand how harmful disposable diapers really are:
Chemicals used in disposable diapers
A simple looking diaper consists of chemicals that have negative impact on humans and the environment. A health hazard in disguise, as it appears completely harmless. Companies are not bound to list every chemical used in the product, and this masks the potential hazardous substances present in the diaper.
The plastic film and the top layer
Simple disposable diapers contain a top layer made of regular polythene film that is made from petroleum just like a plastic wrap, and this top layer comes in direct contact with the skin.
Eco-friendly diapers possess plastic sheets made out of vegetable oils and other renewable materials that are better for babies and the environment. These materials are easier to decompose and do not contribute to skin infections. To soothe the baby’s skin, manufacturers add Aloe vera extract and vitamin E to the outer layer, which is highly recommended.
Polyacrylate and the mid absorption layer
The middle layer of diapers is made for absorption and is made of polyacrylate, a super absorbent polymer (SAP), which is mainly made of wood pulp. It has nothing that can harm the skin, but the acrylic acid in disposable diapers is a point of contention and can cause skin irritation and rashes. Parents complain of small crystal-like residue leaking through the lining when using traditional disposable diapers made with acrylic acid.
Biodegradable diapers use organic products like wheat and corn pulp that helps spread the fluid evenly and prevents leaking and plumping.
Some amount of wood pulp is used in all disposable diapers. This wood pulp goes through a bleaching process which involves the use of chlorine.
Many brands print designs on the outer layer to attract parents and children. These colors contain toxic chemicals which are harsh on skin.
But many companies making biodegradable diapers are using safe colors and pigments that are harmless.
It is true that the smell of pee and poop can be traumatic for your olfactory lobes. Some parents go for scented or perfumed diapers because they can suppress the smell significantly. But what they don’t realize is that it is an unhealthy practice. Perfumes contain high levels of synthetic chemicals which have a tendency of causing allergies especially for the kids with bronchial asthma.
Going for unscented diapers over scented ones is a good decision.
Can diapers really be biodegradable?
Typical disposable diapers are made of petroleum-derived ingredients like plastic, polyacrylate polymer, polypropylene, thermoplastic polymers, stearyl alcohol, fragrance, etc.—You will have to wait for the next FIVE CENTURIES to see the landfill clear from these nasty bags—Horrendous!!
When biodegradable materials are used in diapers, it means all the diaper components are organic and will hold your baby’s pee and poop without causing your baby any harm, and then it will decompose and return back to the soil in a few months without harming the baby’s planet.
When you send 3000 diapers to the landfill each year, they will clog the environment for an eternity. Spending a little more on hybrid biodegradable diapers/ eco friendly diapers, will definitely be a positive change for both baby and environment.
How long do disposable diapers take to decompose?
About 500 years are required for a disposable diaper to break down in the landfill!!!
What is decomposition?
Returning back to nature. The process of breaking down matter to simpler organic and inorganic materials that form the basic building blocks of life. That is how things go back to the soil and are reused. This is called the process of decomposition or recycling. Nature calls everything back to its basic components, even us.
Our industrial development has taken us to the point where we can’t breathe clean air anymore. Our earth is filled with hard to absorb materials and chemicals. Eventually, this muck ends up filling the land and poisoning the environment until they are decomposed (if they are ever decomposed). Plastic is a clear example of this material, and diapers are made of plastic.
This problem can be is addressed by using eco friendly biodegradable diapers made from naturally sustainable materials. It takes a few months to decompose them after you throw them in the trash. And if you decompose the diapers by a composting process, it will return to nature even earlier.
Can you recycle disposable diapers?
Until last year, it was considered hard to recycle disposable diapers because diapers contain human waste and they are meant to be dumped. Unlike some other materials like hard plastic and cardboards, disposable diapers are not recycled.
What can be done to address this prevailing issue?
Procter & Gamble, the world’s largest nappy maker, has opened a grand plant in Italy to recycle disposable diapers by recovering the plastic and inside material.
Separate diaper bins will be provided to parents, and special waste collecting trucks will pick them up and take them to recycling plants. It is good to see them trying to change the scenario.
Are biodegradable diapers really better for the environment?
The roar against conventional disposable diapers paved the way for biodegradable diapers or compostable diapers. Common thing among these two is their one-time usage. Biodegradable diapers differ from the traditional diapers mainly by the materials or components used in their manufacturing.
Biodegradable eco friendly diapers have started gaining more prominence among the masses because they are eco-friendly. Unlike the conventional diapers, biodegradable disposable diapers or compostable diapers contain environmentally friendly materials that are more sustainable and derived from nature, which makes them easier to decompose back into soil. Instead of harming the land for hundreds of years, they decompose in just a few months.
However, some companies just add the sticker of green diapers and eco-friendly diapers, but these may just be marketing gimmicks to expand their customer base. The companies swap a few harmful materials in the diaper with organic materials, but the rest of the diaper will still end up contaminating the soil and air for years to come. So study the labels and understand whether the diaper is actually eco-friendly or its just false or misleading advertising.
To ensure that biodegradable diapers are decomposed efficiently and quickly, use a technical composting facility where the biomaterial used in making eco-friendly diapers is broken down into chemical building blocks after proper processing, which can take anywhere between 2 and 3 months.
Can you compost biodegradable diapers?
A large number of brands are now taking part in the Green initiative and making environmentally friendly diapers and aim to produce biodegradable diapers to not only protect the baby against the harsh chemicals that can cause skin allergies or aggravate asthma issues in little ones but also safeguarding the environment as well.
Furthermore, these diapers are made with the aim to keep the environment pollution free. However, synthetic materials are still present in these diapers in the form of plastic films, tabs, and the elastic around the leg that don’t decompose on its own. By using commercial composting systems, you can degrade many of these biodegradable diapers.
To understand which services/ facilities are near to you , you can refer to your local yellow pages. Listed are a few services we know of: Nature’s Premiere in the New York City area; Blessed Bums in Los Angeles, CA, and beyond; Ivy’s Diaper Service in the Charlotte, NC area; EarthBaby in the San Francisco Bay area; DoGoodDiapers, Minneapolis-St. Paul; Kind By Nature based in Auburn, Mass and Simple Diaper & Linen between Greenfield, Mass., and West Hartford, CT.
Can diapers be composted at home?
They can be composted at home if you are trained enough to deal with the fecal matter and pathogens without harming yourself. A proper composting plant will require a specific amount of diapers and proper functionality to decompose diapers successfully. It is not possible to collect the amount of diapers to compost them conveniently at home. Therefore, it is not recommended to compost diapers at home.
What makes the biodegradable diapers different from the simple diapers?
Biodegradable diapers are made using 80% natural materials, making them more sustainable and easy to break down as compared to traditional diapers that are made from harmful chemicals and synthetic materials that harm the baby and the environment for years.
How many diapers are needed in a day for a baby?
Newborn babies need to change diapers every two to three hours. For older ones you need to change the diaper six to eight times a day. Make sure that the baby doesn’t stay in a dirty nappy for a long time, as it may cause allergic reactions and restlessness ultimately resulting in a diaper rash or skin infections.
Related Post: How Many Newborn Diapers Do I Need – Insightful Calculations from the Mother of Triplets
Why are biodegradable disposable diapers made of bamboo pulp recommended more?
Because of multiple reasons:
- Bamboo pulp is recyclable and is one of the easiest biodegradable materials
- It is breathable and prevents diaper rashes
- It has a high absorbance capacity
- It is safe for the baby and is also eco-friendly
Do biodegradable diapers decompose on their own in landfills?
No. Landfills have an anaerobic environment (it means that the light or air is not necessarily sufficient for the decomposition process), because of which these nappies can take a long time to break down. If you want the quick process, you have to use the composting facility.
Do all biodegradable diapers have sufficient absorbency level?
We are not sure about this. Some parents have encountered leakage issue, especially at night. But if you change diapers regularly, it will help prevent leakages. Further you could also use some additional diaper pads to avoid the problem.
I hope this article has helped you understand biodegradation and its importance in our lives. Let’s move to our list of 12 best biodegradable disposable diapers that can be perfect for your baby and the environment.
12 Best Biodegradable Disposable Diapers of 2022
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Andy Pandy Biodegradable Diapers
Around 85% Biodegradable
Buy Andy Pandy Biodegradable Diapers @Amazon
Andy Pandy Eco-Friendly Bamboo Training Pants @Amazon
Parents love the Andy Pandy because they are super soft, sustainable, and strong. There are a few factors that parents consider while purchasing products for their little ones. And when it comes to diapers, many parents have to compromise to get them in their budget.
Andy Pandy is owned by a mommy who knows that baby’s health is not something to compromise on.
With around 85% biodegradation level, Andy Pandy can be easily placed high in the list of the best biodegradable diapers. These diapers come with a silky touch outer layer that is very soothing and leaves no harsh chemical traces on the skin. Bamboo pulp, the main component of the product, has the heat regulating capacity that maintains the temperature to a moderate level. This prevents the skin from allergies and bacterial infections and the Aloe vera layer keeps the skin rash-free and moisturized.
It seems like Andy Pandy is determined to contribute as much as they can to keep the environment healthy and lay down the foundation for the coming generations to breathe healthy. It is determined to provide non-toxic diapers that are free from all preservatives and threatening chemicals.
Andy Pandy biodegradable diapers are “better for your baby, and also better for our planet.”
Sizes: They are available in 5 sizes.
- Newborn: 7-10 lbs (2–4 kgs)
- Small: 8-16 lbs (3–8 kgs)
- Medium: 13-22 lbs (6–10 kgs)
- Large: 20-31 lbs (9–14 kgs)
- Extra-large: 26+ lbs (12+ kgs)
Training Pants available in 3 sizes:
Buy Andy Pandy Biodegradable Diapers
Buy Andy Pandy Eco-Friendly Bamboo disposable Training Pants
- Around 85% Biodegradable
- Skin friendly
- Environment friendly
- Made from renewable sources & materials are sustainably sourced
- Soft and delicate like your baby
- Super Absorbent
- 100% Non-woven bamboo fiber for top and back sheet
- TCF (Totally Chlorine Free) Fluff Pulp
- Pure aloe essence (just a light mist on inner layer to provide nourishment to baby’s skin)
- Breathable back sheet
- Velcro tape
- Sumitomo SAP
- Elastic in the waistband and around the legs
- PH Strip (Wetness Indicator)
- It hurts when you run short of them
- A bit expensive
DYPER Bamboo Baby diapers
Standard 100 certified by OEKO TEX
Swiss safety certification body
confirmed by SGS
Buy DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers – Jumbo pack @Amazon
Buy DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers – Mid size pack @Amazon
Buy DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers – Small size pack @Amazon
While trying to find the best eco friendly and biodegradable diapers, we came across the DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers. We were thrilled to see that the diaper is chemical-free and is made with biodegradable materials that so many parents just love.
The manufacturers of DYPER diapers have tried to not only keep the babies comfortable but also keep the planet healthy. For this purpose, all the nasty, gnarly chemicals are completely avoided.
They have used viscose fibers from responsibly sourced bamboo to make the absorbing layers of the diapers to help protect against leaking and wetness. These bamboo fibers protect the skin against harmful bacteria and also help maintain the body temperature.
No colors and preservatives are added to the products to ensure they are safe to use.
- Viscose fibers
- No chlorines
- PLA sheet that is environmentally friendly because it is plant based
- Free from chemicals and inks
- Easy to put on and can be used for long duration
Dyper diapers also have a Standard 100 certified by OEKO TEX, a leading Swiss safety certification body, which confirms of them being absolutely safe for children.
Along with the official website and mobile phone app, DYPER is famous among parents for its SOS service that never leaves you running short of diapers. These are compostable at home, but it requires proper care. Parents can also send them to centralized composting plants.
Dyper diapers are made with viscose fibers from responsibly sourced Bamboo and are packed in clear bags which are made with oxo-degradable materials. What’s more these can be returned for composting through Dypers’ optional REDYPER™ service. Parents you will be amazed that with each delivery, Dyper purchases carbon offsets on behalf of all the subscribers to help reforestation efforts.
Dypers are smartly built. Based on SGS independent testing upon the diapers it was observed that the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions, basis ISO 14855-1-2012, Dypers get 61% biodegraded under controlled composting conditions by day 75.
Sizes: They are available in 5 sizes.
- Newborn size: 1–4 kg
- Small: 3–8 kg
- Medium: 6–10 kg
- Large: 9–14 kg
- Extra-large: 12+ kg
Buy DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers – Jumbo pack
Buy DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers – Mid size pack
Buy DYPER Bamboo Baby Diapers – Small size pack
- 61% Biodegraded under controlled conditions by day 75 (Independent certification)
- Total chlorine free
- No dyes, latex, and PVC
- Home Compostable or at their plant
- Redyper optional services to protect the environment by proving Carbon offsets with every subscribed purchase
- Affordable
- Alcohol Free
- No lotions
- No TBT or Phthalates
- They are also Unprinted, unscented, soft to the touch, yet extremely durable and absorbent
- Light smell of chemicals
- Size 1 is big for newborns
Bambo Nature Eco Friendly Diapers
75% biodegradable and compostable
Buy Bambo Nature Eco Friendly Diapers – Classic for sensitive skin @Amazon
Buy Bambo Nature Eco Friendly Diapers – Premium @Amazon
While comparing biodegradable diapers, we found that Bambo Nature stands apart from the crowd. It carries the Nordic Swan Eco Label, which guarantees that it is free of harmful chemicals, like organotins, chlorine, phthalates, PVC, formaldehyde, latex, and heavy metals.
That’s not all, there are other reasons why we feel Bambo Nature are among the top biodegradable diapers around:
- The diapers are 75% biodegradable and compostable
- They are eco- friendly
- Certified by Asthma-Allergy Denmark, FSC, and EcoCert
- Suitable for normal and sensitive skin
They are hypoallergenic and do not contain perfumes, optical brighteners, perfumes, essential oils, or other substances that are known to cause irritable skin in babies.
All the above mentioned chemicals are harmful for the skin, especially the delicate baby skin. Eliminating these chemicals is essential for biodegradable diapers, and Bambo Nature ensures their diapers follow the same.
Bambo Nature diapers are hypoallergenic and prevent skin rashes and allergies. It is a popular choice among parents because of the soft materials used and comfortable shape.
Unlike conventional disposable diapers, SAP is completely avoided and is replaced by wheat starch as the absorption core, which is skin friendly.
The wood pulp is taken from forests, making them a sustainable option for the environment. Nature’s Premier (the diaper composting facility in New York) composts them. Another reason to get your hands on them.
Sizes: They are available in 6 sizes:
- Newborn: (1–3 kg)
- Size 1: 4-8 lbs (2–4 kg)
- Size 2: 6-13 lbs (3–6 kg)
- Size 3: 11-19 lbs (5–9 kg)
- Size 4: 15- 39 lbs (7–18 kg)
- Size 5: 26-48 lbs (12–22 kg)
- Size 6: 35-68 lbs (16–30 kg)
Bambo Nature training pants are also available for 14+ kg and 18+ kg babies
Buy Bamboo Nature Eco Friendly Diapers – Classic for Sensitive Skin
Buy Bamaboo Nature Eco Friendly Diapers – Premium
- 75% Biodegradable
- Cruelty free
- Highly absorbent
- Comfortable
- Hypoallergenic
- Breathable and soft
- Danish Asthma and Allergy Association
- Nordic Swan Eco Label
- FSC and EcoCert Certified
- A bit pricey
- The sticky tabs are not the best and have to be handled carefully or they can rip off
- For very heavy overnight bedwetters you may have to use additional absorbent pads
Little Toes Disposable Bamboo Diapers
Biodegradable in 6 months
Little Toes natural biodegradable diapers are decomposed under direct sun in soil within 6 months without causing any pollution or harm to our planet. This is a very big plus in our books.
The top layer of the little toes diaper is 100% made of pure bamboo fibers with all its goodness. The absorption capacity of bamboo fluff is 70 times more powerful than any other synthetic material or SAP.
It absorbs the wetness instantly and enables superior ventilation that quicken the drying process; so, the baby is able to enjoy a rash-free diaper experience.
These diapers are designed with strong prop up tabs that firmly hold the diaper in place and keep them from slipping, avoiding the dreaded leakages and pooplosions.
The wetness indicating line is a helpful visual indicator for diaper changing time.
Little Toes are free from:
- Latex
- Chlorine
- Scents
- Additives
- Phthalates
The side panels are super stretchable and allow the baby to move with ease. Parents can use the Little Toes as overnight diapers as well as on their travels.
Little Toes diapers feature an 3M™ elastic waistband and triple-stretchable fastener to ensure great fit.
Sizes: Available in 4 sizes:
- Newborn: 6.6-10 pounds
- Small: 8-17 pounds
- Medium: 13-24 pounds
- Large: 20-29 pounds
Buy Little Toes Disposable Bamboo Diapers
- No leakage
- Comfortable and hypoallergenic
- Strong reinforced tabs
- Free of chlorine, alcohol, perfume, and preservatives
- Decomposes in 180 days under sunlight and soil
- Absorbent Diaper
- Expensive
- Has a SAP layer
Eco Pea Biodegradable Diapers
85% biodegradable and compostable in
just 2–3 months
Sustainably produced: Materials sourced from
FSC-certified forests
Another brand that is taking revolutionary steps to help babies as well as our planet is the Eco Pea Diapers. They are making eco-friendly diapers taking all the safety measures into account to protect the baby’s skin from harsh elements.
Eco Pea is known for not compromising on quality over revenue
The material used in the production is 85% biodegradable and compostable in just 2–3 months.
Eco Pea is safe, soft, and sustainable. Bamboo pulp and Aloe extract add to their amazing features, and nasty chemicals are avoided in their making to help keep your baby and environment safe.
Eco Pea has the credit of being
- Vegan
- Free from toxins
- Compostable
- Biodegradable
- Antibacterial
- Hypoallergenic
- Dermatologically approved
Reviews confirm that these diapers are super soft, ideally designed, and have good absorption capacity. They are hassle free, budget friendly, and also have a wetness indicator.
These non-toxic diapers are totally chlorine-free, and don’t contain hormone-disrupting phthalates. They are free of: latex, dioxins, dyes, heavy metals, alcohol any any know allergens. Moreover, Eco Pea Co diapers are fragrance-free and lotion-free.
Sizes: Eco Pea diapers are available in 5 sizes:
- Newborn: suitable up to 10 lbs
- Size 1: 7-17 lbs
- Size 2: 14-24 lbs
- Size 3: 21-31 lbs
- Size 4: 28-44 lbs.
Eco Pea training Pants available in 2 sizes:
- Size 3: 21-31 lbs
- Size 4: 28-44 lbs
Buy Eco Pea Biodegradable Diaper
- Sustainable
- Compostable
- Soft on the skin
- Petrochemical free
- Fragrance & Lotion free
- Blowout guard
- Snug-fitting
- Chemical free
- Chlorine Free
- Phthalates Free
- Free of: latex, dioxins, dyes, heavy metals, alcohol any any know allergens
- Less absorption
- Not for heavier babies
Eco Boom Bamboo Baby Diapers
SGS certified more than 70% biodegradability rate of 150 days.
FSC certified pulp and tissue for sustainable development + Outer Carbon Box & Polybag 100% Biodegradable
Buy Eco Boom Bamboo Baby Diapers @Amazon
Buy Eco Boom Baby Diaper Pants @Amazon
Eco Boom Bamboo Diapers are made of 100% biodegradable bamboo fabric that not only ensures it is not harmful to the environment but it will also treat your baby’s bum with softness.
By using 100% bamboo nonwoven natural materials these diapers are biodegradable in just 150 days.
Combined with naturally biodegradable side elastic. ECO BOOM bamboo diapers, training diaper pants are durable, absorbent making them a top runner in creating sustainable diapers.
Eco Boom baby diapers are super strong in functionality as they absorb efficiently and the design is super comfortable. The bamboo pulp is used in its core, which is not chlorine treated unlike SAP. These biodegradable diapers are naturally hypoallergenic, the best friends for babies with sensitive skin. Diaper bags and the packaging are made of natural sustainable material and require one and half years for biodegradation.
Stretchable side panels make Eco Boom a lot more comfortable to wear for prolonged periods with safety that is unquestioned. Big-ear-type side tapes allow for better flexibility so that the eely. The Velcro tape helps avoid cutting into your baby’s super soft and tender skin.
The Aloe gel on the top layer helps keep the baby’s skin hydrated and nourished and reduces the chances of redness and skin irritation.
On the whole, Eco Boom diapers are a good choice for its biodegradability, but it is also slightly more expensive as compared to the others in the market.
Sizes: Diapers Available in 4 sizes
- Small size: 6-16lbs (3-8kg)
- Medium size: 13-22lbs (6-10kg)
- Large size: 20-3lLbs (9-14kg)
- Extra-large: 26+lbs (12kg above)
Diaper pants available in 4 sizes as well:
- Medium: 13-24 lbs (6-11 kgs)
- Large: 20-31 lbs (9-14 kgs)
- XL: 27-28lbs (12-17 kgs)
- XXL: 33+lbs (20 kgs +)
Buy Eco Boom Bamboo Baby Diapers
Buy Eco Boom Baby Diaper Pants
- Biodegradable
- Bamboo used on both topsheet and backsheet to reduce plastic waste by 30%.
- SGS certified more than 70% biodegradability rate of 150 days.
- More flexible strings and waist band provide a snug and comfortable fit
- Super Absorbent Core
- Bamboo nonwoven backsheet is very soft and allows air-circulation inside
- Wetness Indicator
- PVC, TBT, LATEX, CHLORINE, PHTHALATES have not been used in the making of these daipers
- Outer polybag and carton box are fully biodegradable
- Only use FSC certified pulp and tissue for sustainable development
- A bit pricier that other options
- Not effective for heavy bedwetters or big babies
- Newborn size not available
- A few parents have raised a concern of leaking
NEST Biodegradable Eco Friendly Diapers
64% Biodegradable
Takes around 107 days to decompose
One of our prime objectives is to research thoroughly and bring forward only those diapers that have maximum biodegradability without compromising on the quality and functionality of the diaper. While researching biodegradable diapers, we came across the NEST Biodegradable diapers which look pretty effective in all the above mentioned aspects.
They have been getting excellent customer reviews because of their material and design. Nest biodegradable diapers comes with 64% biodegradability.
The top and back sheets are made of bamboo fibers and a combination of bamboo fluff and good quality super absorbent polymer, and it takes only 105 days to decompose.
In a short time period, NEST is gaining customer’s support and confidence.
All the materials used in these biodegradable diapers are free from
- Antioxidants
- Phthalates
- Toxins
- Fragrances
These diapers are not only biodegradable but super comfortable and absorbent as well. Moms are appreciating these diapers stating that these are more comfortable because they do not slip down or stick off every other moment. Moreover, its wetness indicator saves you from playing the guessing game of whether it is time to change the baby or not.
Sizes: Available in 5 sizes.
- Size 1: 6–12 pounds
- Size 2: 10–16 pounds
- Size 3: 14–26 pounds
- Size 4: 22–37 pounds
- Size 5: 27+ pounds
NEST biodegradable training pants are available in:
- Size 4: 20–31 pounds
- Size 5: 26–40 pounds
Buy NEST Biodegradable Eco Friendly Diapers
- Sustainable – 64% Biodegradable
- Takes around 107 days to decompose
- Environment friendly
- Skin friendly
- Leak protection
- Free from dyes
- Budget friendly
- Plant-based ‘ultra absorbent core’ that wicks away moisture from baby’s skin
- Hypoallergenic
- Made from sustainable materials like bamboo, wood and cane
- Free from harmful chemicals
- Shipping only in the US
- Per diaper costs more or less remain same even when buying larger packet sizes
Eco Boom Plant-based Diapers
100% sustainable certification
100% bio-based material.
CFCC® / PEFC™ sustainable certification
Biodegradable in just 90 days with 0% harmful substances remain
European “Seedling” certification
To buy Eco Boom Plant-Based Diapers inquire with Eco Boom here.
While looking at biodegradable disposable diaper options online, we found the New Eco Boom Plant-based diapers and they completely amazed us with its range of features apart from being made of EcoCosy Fiber which is used in its back sheet, making it 100% Biodegradable.
Apart from this, these diapers are 100% plant-based and certified FSC chlorine free wood pulp. Besides, its super absorbent core can keep surface dry and triple elastic ear-patch can provide comfortable snug fit.
- Super Soft Topsheet
- Ultra-Breathable Plant-based Backsheet made from EcoCosy – a 100% Plant-based premium fiber which comes from Equatorial Ecological Corridor making it biodegradable
- Triple elastic Ear-patch which provides with a better fit and is comfortable for even the most active baby.
- By using high-purity dissolving wood pulp, EcoCosy® fiber has natural hygroscopicity and water absorption
- Super Absorbent Core made with high-quality super absorbent material sourced from Germany which helps lock liquid and keeps the surface dry
- Degradable Packaging: These diapers use D2W degradable polybag which replaces the plastic type
- Wetness Indicator
- Biodegraded into water, CO2 and biomass within 90 days, without any residual harmful substances – “Seedling” certification
- The surface moisture of human skin is generally around 12-15%, which is similar moisture content of the EcoCosy® fiber
- Triple elastic eartips: Super flexible to ensure that your baby’s waist is not too tight. Velcro tape material can also avoid cuts from the baby’s tender skin.
- Chemical free: ECO BOOM bamboo diapers Use TCF (Total Chlorine Free) pulp, which is the most advanced chlorine-free bleaching process
Sizes: Available in 4 Sizes:
- Small -Size 2 – 6-16lbs (3-8 kg)
- Medium – Size 3 -13-22 lbs (6-10 kg)
- Large – Size 4 – 20-31 lbs (9-14 kg)
- X Large – Size 5 – 26+ lbs (26 lbs
ATTITUDE Biodegradable Diapers
50% Material used in its production are biodegraded within 2 to 6 months
Sustainably sourced: Materials sourced from FSC-certified forests
In the list of GREEN diapers, ATTITUDE biodegradable diapers also have a special place. This is because more than 50 % material used in its composition is biodegradable. This is a carbon-neutral company which aims to produce everything recyclable and renewable by keeping the environment free from dangerous chemicals along with comforting the babies and their mothers.
ATTITUDE diapers are FSC certified, which means that the materials to manufacture the diapers have been derived from sustainable resources like cellulose pulp. Rather than the chlorine, oxygen bleach is used to fade the colors and stop bacteria reproduction. Latex-free elastics and good quality SAP is used in these eco friendly diapers.
All the material used in its production are safe for the skin and health of your munchkin and are biodegraded within 2 to 6 months, making them safe for mother Earth as well. During lab tests, a little wetness was observed on the test paper, but a little wetness is manageable as compared to a total flood that causes rashes and redness on skin.
If we rate them, these will surely stand above the average diapers because of their materials and biodegradability level. These are designed after keeping the baby’s requirements in mind and are aimed to provide them with utmost comfort by hugging the baby’s legs and waist without tightening them.
These diapers effectively protect your baby’s skin thanks to an optimized SAP/wood pulp ratio in the absorbent layer and thus helps in moisture control in that area.
Sizes: The diapers are available in 7 sizes to help mothers with growing babies.
- NB size: up to 11 pounds
- Size 1–2: 6–13 pounds
- Size 3: 9–20 pounds
- Size 4: 15–40 pounds
- Size 5: 24–55 pounds
- Size 6: 35–66 pounds
Buy ATTITUDE Biodegradable Diapers
- Naturally biodegradable
- Total chlorine free (TCF)
- Hypoallergenic
- FSC certified
- Eco friendly
- Diapers are free of fragrances, dyes, prints and lotions – Hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested
- 100% Chlorine Free
- High in price as compared to functionality
- Prone to leakage
Aleva Naturals Bamboo Baby Diapers
The softer the diaper, the more comfortable it is for the baby. This is a factor that we consider when we are looking for the best diapers for your little one along with properties like biodegradability, chemicals free, etc. to keep the baby’s delicate skin safe and also reduce the negative impact on the environment as much as possible. Aleva Naturals bamboo diapers are made keeping these factors in mind.
They provide the best possible absorption for long hours that result in keeping the baby dry without any skin irritation.
Other disposable diapers are made of SAP as their key absorption ingredient, and bleaching agents like chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, and sulfates as color correctors to make the diapers whiter. Many other added chemicals can cause skin infection and diaper rashes.
On the other hand, in Aleva Naturals baby diapers, Bamboo Kun is used, which has natural antibacterial properties and does not require any processing. The fluff and SAP core used in these diapers are all derived from plants. The top and bottom layers are made of pure Aloe vera infused bamboo fibers, which makes these diapers extra-absorbent, biodegradable, and chemical-free. This is perfect for keeping your baby away from skin rashes and the environment away from pollution.
They also have a wetness indicator that turns from yellow to green when the diaper needs to be changed. The stretchable side panels work best to avoid leakages.
Unlike other biodegradable diapers, Aleva Natural Bamboo diapers are not stiff and crimped. The pocketed waistband adds extra comfort to the baby’s skin.
Parents are advised to flush out the contents before disposing the diapers. It takes approximately 30 days to biodegrade these diapers.
Sizes: They are available in 3 sizes.
- Size 1 for newborn: 2–4 kg
- Size 2 medium: 3–8 kg
- Size 3 large: 6–11 kg
Buy ALeva Naturals Banboo Baby Diapers
- Certified vegan
- Free of chlorine, dye, and latex
- Hypoallergenic
- Ultra soft
- Wetness indicator
- Biodegradable upper and bottom layers
- Unbleached
- Made from plant-based materials including bamboo
- Cruelty-free
- Free from harsh chemicals and toxins
- Not available for babies weighing more than 13 kg
- Not fully biodegradable
- The company doesn’t state what percentage of the diaper is biodegradable
Eco by Naty
Only diaper to receive ‘OK biobased’ certification by TUV Austria
Sustainably produced: Materials sourced from FSC-certified forests
Buy Eco by Naty – Size 1 – One month pack @Amazon
Buy Eco By Naty – Newborn – One month pack @Amazon
Buy Eco by Naty – Varied Sizes – Varied Packs @Amazon
Eco by Naty is a promising green diaper because of its ultra absorption quality that works well for big blowouts. It is a Sweden-based company, and it was started with the intention of helping parents by providing them with biodegradable diapers that have eco-friendly properties.
These biodegradable diapers use corn film instead of plastic. Plant derivatives are always skin friendly and not hazardous for health and environment. They have not used chlorine for bleaching purpose or perfumes to diminish the odor that can cause skin allergies.
Although the company does not claim that these are compostable, Nature’s Premiere does compost these diapers.
Eco by Naty is certified by:
- Swedish society of Nature conservation
- AB Vincotte
- Swedish asthma and Allergy Association
The company does not conduct any animal testing while making these biodegradable disposable diapers.
The Eco by Naty biodegradable diapers are free from
- Phthalates
- GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
- VOCs (volatile organic compounds)
- Perfumes
- Dioxins
- Artificial dyes
- Parabens
- Latex
We would not recommend them for overnight use, but the Eco by Naty are 100% recommended for daytime use as parents have complained about their tendency to leak, if worn for longer durations. If you had to use them for night maybe you could add in additional nappy pads to ensure full night dryness and avoid leakage.
Sizes: They are available in 7 sizes.
- Newborn: 2–5 kg
- Mini: 3–6 kg
- Midi: 4–9 kg
- Maxi: 7–18 kg
- Maxi plus: 9–20 kg
- Junior: 11–25 kg
- Extra-large: 16+ kg
Buy Eco by Naty – Size 1 – One month pack
Buy Eco by Naty – Newborn – One month pack
Buy Eco Naty – Varied sizes – Varied packs
- Wood pulp is sourced from Scandinavian forests
- Free from all harmful chemicals
- Corn film is used for absorption
- Sleek design
- No leakage or blowouts. Hypoallergenic and Dermatologically tested.
- Free of chlorine bleaching, fragrances, lotions
- Phthalates Free
- GMOs (genetically modified organisms) Free
- VOCs (volatile organic compounds) Free
- Dioxins Free
- Artificial dyes Free
- Parabens Free
- Latex Free
- A bit stiff
- Not recommended for heavier babies
- Some parents feel they have a strong smell
Seventh Generation
First & Only USDA Certified Biobased
With 30% biobased ingredients
Buy Seventh Generation Baby Diapers @Amazon
Buy Seventh Generation Baby Diapers – BIG packs @Amazon
Parents who have been searching for the best biodegradable disposable diapers must have heard about the Seventh Generation. This 25-year-old brand manufactures baby products and household cleaning items. It is well-known for making eco-friendly diapers while keeping the health of babies in mind.
Seventh generation diapers stand high in the list of best biodegradable disposable diapers. They produce environmentally friendly diapers free of any hazardous chemicals.
These diapers are
- TCF, i.e. total chlorine free
- Free of all fragrances and lotions
- FSC® certified
The natural materials used in the diapers have been sustainably sourced to protect the forest habitat. They have double leg cuffs and a stretchy waistband that help control potentials leaks and pooplosions. The tabs are large and easy-to-use.
The chemical-free material ensures that these are skin friendly and hypoallergenic. The high-capacity core absorbs 3 times more than standard diapers. The high-absorption capacity brings its rating higher. It can be a good choice for overnight use or long distance trips. You have the option of picking the Seventh Generation cotton quilted diapers designed for 1- or 2-year-old babies.
They don’t use chlorine for bleaching purposes but SAP, polyurethane, color, polypropylene, and some adhesives are used that can be a cause of concern for some parents.
Sizes: They are available in 6 sizes.
- Newborn: Up to 10 pounds
- Size 1: 8–14 pounds
- Size 2: 12–18 pounds
- Size 3: 16–21 pounds
- Size 4: 20–32 pounds
- Size 5: 27–35 pounds
- Size 6: above 35 pounds
Buy Seventh Generation Baby Diapers
Buy Seventh Generation Baby Diapers – BIG packs
- Budget friendly
- Soft textured
- TCF – Total Chlorine Free
- No perfume
- Hypoallergenic
- The FIRST and ONLY USDA Biobased Diaper
- Made using only FSC® Certified, sustainably harvested plant-based pulp, which helps nurture our planet’s forests. (FSC® C115279)
- FreshAIRTM Breathable Layer helps prevent leaks and releases humidity
- Stiff when size increases
- Not suitable for babies weighing more than 35 pounds
- Petrochemical treated
- Not ideal for very heavy bed wetters for overnight use
- Prone to leaks
Final thoughts
After extensive research on our end and also reading a large number of reviews and feedbacks from parents we developed this said list of 12 the best biodegradable diapers. Hope our complete ultimate guide and list of best biodegradable disposable diapers will help you find the perfect diaper for your little one. We are sure our list will contain the best diaper option to suit your family’s needs.
Opting for biodegradable diapers can be an expensive step for some families, as biodegradable diapers are costlier than traditional diapers, but using them will not just help your baby stay safe, they will also help reduce the impact on the environment. Really wish I had the option of using biodegradable diapers after I delivered my triplets 7 years ago.
If you ask me for my top selection, then ANDY PANDY Biodegradable disposable Diapers is a very good choice for long hours because of their extra-absorbent capacity, soft touch, a moisturizing layer of Aloe, and use of renewable eco-friendly materials. You cannot go wrong with Andy Pandy.
Another option you could look at is using Cloth Diapers – provided you have a good enough bandwidth to do laundry. You could look at bumGenius Freetime reusable cloth diapers or Alva Baby Cloth Diapers if you wish to give cloth diapers a try.
There are also Cloth Diaper services available, who can do the laundry and supply fresh cloth diapers at regular intervals.
You may think that just switching diapers cannot make that much of a difference in the environment, so why pay more and burden your pocket. But understand that you are not going to throw just one diaper; in a year you will cumulatively throw away about 3000 disposable diapers. Remember the huge mound of dinosaur poop in the Jurassic Park movies, just imagine that and increase the size of the mound to at least 5 times, and that would be equivalent to what diapers from a single baby would pile up to be in the landfills for about 500 years. Revolting, even for imagination right??? So let’s do as much as we can to avoid the future generations to look back at us say “That is one big pile of s**t”.
Happy Diapering & Saving the Environment!