Know everything to look forward to when your baby turns 7 months old
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Kedar Patnekar (MBBS, D.N.B, D.C.H, Specialist Pediatrician) Dubai, UAE.
- Author: Khushboo Kirale
- >> Post Created: May 8, 2021
- >> Last Updated: January 22, 2025
Table of Contents
Your baby is 7 months old already!
Your baby has crossed the half-year mark and is just a few month away from becoming a year old. A 7 month old baby is a lot more independent now. They can sit up on their own without support, they can hold spoons and cups and practice eating and drinking, and they are no longer stationary.
Your 7 month old baby can crawl, roll, and scoot all over the house, making your life a lot busier. Your now mobile bundle of joy can make playtime a lot more fun and engaging.
Our article about the 7 month milestones will help you know what to look forward to this month. This can also help you prepare beforehand. You can also help your baby achieve the 7 month milestones by helping their physical development, encouraging their creativity, and satisfying their curiosities.
Your 7 month old baby will also start developing their own unique personality and will have clear likes and dislikes. They may just love that song you sing so much that you may have to repeat it a gazillion times. Your baby loves repetition because it makes life more predictable for them. So keep singing that song even in your sleep. Your baby will love you for it.
What are developmental milestones?
A newborn baby is adjusting to the new surroundings that they have been pushed into suddenly. Therefore, they are very cranky and fussy. But by the time they are 7 months old, they seem to be getting used the environment and are now looking to grow and develop quickly so that they can enjoy everything around them.
Developmental milestones is the way you will be able to check your baby’s development easily. It will be anything that the baby has not done before or anything that has not happened to them before.
You can easily observe the 7 month milestones through the sleeping patterns, feeding patterns, their weight and height, communication skills, their personality, etc.
Some of the biggest leaps that your child may be taking this month are trying solid food, starting to crawl, teething, etc.
7 month milestones: Baby weight and height/length
Your baby is growing so quickly. Only yesterday you could hold them in one arm, but now you need both your hands to support your growing child. They look a lot different now as compared to when they were born and will continue to grow and evolve in their appearance.
On an average, a 7 month old baby boy weighs about 18 pounds and 5 ounces, but the weight range has been noted to be anywhere between 14 pounds and 22 pounds. On the other hand, a 7 month old baby girl on an average weighs about 16 pounds and 14 ounces, but the weight range has been noted to be anywhere between 13 pounds and 21 pounds, 4 ounces.
Always remember that if your baby was premature, then they may take longer to reach the same weight range. As long as your baby has a steady weight gain, you have nothing to worry about. Your baby can gain about 1 to 1¼ pounds more than their recorded weight in the previous month.
A 7 month old baby may even weight 2.5 times more than their birth weight. If your baby has not gained 2.5 times their birth weight, it is completely all right. As long as they have doubled their weight, your baby is on the right track.
Off course your baby is not just gaining weight, they are also growing in height/length. On an average, a 7 month old baby boy is about 27 inches in length and a 7 month old baby girl is about 26 inches in length.
Again, don’t worry if your child has not reached these 7 month milestones, they will do it in due course. As long as they are growing, they are just fine. Your baby will grow about ½ to ¾ of an inch this month.
Your doctor will plot charts of your baby’s weight and length, and by now there will be a noticeable growth pattern. This progress will be continued throughout the first year of your baby’s life.
7 month milestones: All significant changes to look forward to
Physical developments
- Your baby can now roll from stomach to back and from back to their stomach. This can make changing time more difficult for you.
- A 7 month milestone that helps a lot during feeding time is that now the baby can sit without support. So you can place them in a high chair for feeding time.
- Your 7 month old baby can now bear more weight on those tiny legs. This means they are gearing up for walking and running.
- They can even stand with support and will start bouncing away if you hold them.
- Your baby is trying to learn not just about the surroundings, but also about themselves. They will now start grabbing their toes and other body parts to learn more about their own body.
- All your baby’s other senses have become equivalent to that of an adult, but their eyesight still has a little way to go.
- They can see well across a room.
- An important 7 month milestone is that they can now see in full color. So don’t be surprised if they are attracted towards more bright and fun colors.
- They can track moving objects easily by now.
Communication skills
- Your 7 month old baby has started feeling emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, etc., and they will portray these emotions with different sounds.
- If you talk to them, they will start responding to you in their own made up language.
- If they see a new person, they may start having stranger anxiety and they will show fear by crying and reaching out to a person they know.
- They are able to make consonant sounds like ‘m’ and ‘b’ and also vowel sounds like ‘eh,’ ‘ah,’ ‘oh,’ etc.
- They can even string together a consonant and a vowel to make sounds like ‘ma,’ ‘ba,’ ‘ha,’ etc.
- A 7 month old baby is now familiar with their name and will show a response when you call them by turning towards you and showcasing that adorable toothless grin.
- Another 7 month milestone is that they respond to ‘no.’ If you say ‘no’ to them, then they will stop doing what they were and look at you.
- Other than ‘no,’ your baby will start recognizing some other common words like ‘hi,’ ‘mom,’ ‘dog,’ etc.
- Loud noises will now trigger a response of fear or worry from them.
- A 7 month old baby can even start modulating their voice to show that they are asking questions.
Gross motor skills
- A 7 month old baby can easily pass an object from one hand to the other.
- A big 7 month milestone is crawling. Your baby can start crawling this month. Most babies crawl, but some may scoot, roll over, creep, or show a combination of all of these movements. In short, they will be able to move from point A to B in some way.
- They can hold objects by raking grasp now. This means they can hold their spoons and sippy cups without assistance.
Cognitive skills
- A 7 month old baby can recognize faces and voices of familiar people.
- The mirror has become their new best friend, and they love to look at themselves for long durations.
- Your baby has started exploring the world with the help of their senses. They will touch and taste everything they can get their hands on to understand more about their surroundings.
- Your little one will turn into a detective by studying, pushing, pressing, and throwing objects to see what happens.
- A major 7 month milestone is that your baby now has the capability of developing memories.
- The development of memories also helps your baby understand object permanence. They now understand that if you go in another room, you are not gone permanently. So they understand that things exist even if they are out of sight.
- A 7 month old baby will have their own likes and dislikes. This means their personality is also slowly developing.
- They are able to find partially hidden objects.
- They will like to be around people and have some playtime.
- You can have play dates now, as they also enjoy playing with other babies.
- If other babies around them cry, a 7 month old will be sensitive towards them and may even try to help them.
- Their growing communication skills will also help them understand other people’s emotions and respond with appropriate emotions like joy, fear, sadness, etc. based on the situation.
When to be concerned?
As new parents, it is very easy to go overboard in monitoring your baby’s growth and progress. This monitoring and tracking can bring unnecessary stress if you see your baby’s growth deviating from the average.
Your baby’s growth deviations may cause you to worry and conclude that there is something wrong with your baby. But just because your baby has not reached a few 7 month milestones, you think that there is reason to be concerned.
But there are a few things that you should discuss with your doctor to help them understand and monitor your baby’s progress.
Contact your pediatrician:
- If your baby does not try and reach for objects around them
- If your baby does not respond to affection or does not show any affection towards familiar people
- If your baby does not make sounds
- If your baby does not respond to sounds
- If you baby is unable to bring small toys to their mouth
- If your baby is unable to roll from stomach to back or back to stomach
- If your baby does not laugh or make happy noises like squealing and giggling
- If your baby does not move their head easily and is also very stiff
- If your baby is not gaining any weight
- If your baby has a temperature of more than 103°F (you can take this as a general rule)
- If your baby has rashes that don’t go away after a few days
- If your baby is showing signs of dehydration (signs like fewer diaper changes, a dry mouth, etc.)
- If your baby has difficulty in breathing
- If your baby appears to be very floppy without any muscle control like a rag doll
- If your baby is unable to support their head and flops back while they are in a sitting position
- If your baby does not use both their hands and is seen reaching for objects with only one hand
- If your baby does not want to be cuddled
- If your baby does not enjoy being around people
- If your baby’s eyes (one or both) consistently turn in or out
- If your baby’s eyes have tears persistently, you notice eye drainage, or they have light sensitivity
- If your baby’s eyes don’t follow objects
- If your baby appears inconsolable at night
- If your baby does not smile yet
- If your baby is unable to sit without help or support
- If your baby is unable to support their weight on legs
- If your baby does not show interest in playing games like peek-a-boo
We know the list is long, but 7 month old babies can do almost all of these things with ease. But if they can’t do some of these things, then consulting a doctor can help you in understanding your baby’s wants and needs better.
7 month milestones—your 7 month old baby’s feeding pattern
Your little munchkin is growing constantly, and they need nutrition to help sustain their growing needs.
Your baby’s primary source of nutrition will still be breast milk and formula (24 to 30 ounces a day) even if you have started giving them solid food.
Solid food at this point is mainly given to the baby to get them accustomed to eating solids. Most of what you feed them right now will end up on their bib, the floor, or even on you. As long as they are having enough breast milk or formula, you don’t need to worry about how much solid food they are eating. It is more about experience than sustenance right now.
Give them 4 to 9 spoons of pureed fruits/vegetable, crushed cereal, baby food, etc. and about 1 to 6 tablespoons of protein-rich foods like chicken, cheese, fish, tofu, yogurt, etc. per day. Introduce only one food at a time to check for food allergies. Symptoms like hives, skin rashes, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. are commonly seen in cases of food allergies. Severe cases can even show trouble in breathing.
If you are trying to introduce solid food for the first time, then don’t do it when they baby is cranky, tired, or extremely hungry. They may just reject it completely.
You can experiment with different fruits and vegetables to see what your child likes and dislikes. But make sure you check for food allergies.
If you are making your own baby food, ensure you cook it well, mash it into a puree with a blender, food processor, or even a fork (hand mashed), and keep it unseasoned (not even salt). Adding a little breast milk or formula to the cereal can help make the food more palatable for the baby.
Honey, cow’s milk, and fruit juices are off-limits for all babies who are under a year old.
Babies can lose a lot of water if they have diarrhea, vomiting, or have been exposed to extreme temperatures. This can cause severe dehydration. Giving them water can help bring back their fluid levels.
With so many additions to your 7 month old baby’s diet, there will be changes seen in their poop as well. There will be a noticeable color, texture, and consistency change. The poop will become more solid and smellier. But if the poop is too watery, consult a doctor to know what is irritating your little one’s digestive system.
For any further queries that you may have, consult your healthcare provider to know more about your baby’s nutritional needs.
7 month milestones—your 7 month old baby’s sleeping pattern
Watching a baby sleep is one of the best joys of parenthood. Their cute little yawns can melt any heart. Couldn’t you just watch them sleeping forever?
Your baby’s continuous adventures exploring the world around them can leave them quite tired and exhausted. They need their sleep to restore their energy.
A 7 month old baby requires a total of about 12 to 16 hours of sleep a day. Many babies sleep about 11 hours at night (many times they sleep through without waking up) and about 2 to 3 small naps during the day.
Getting your baby on a sleep schedule will make your life a lot easier and your baby’s life a lot more predictable. You can help your baby fall asleep more quickly by creating a bedtime routine. The routine can include a warm relaxing bath, singing a lullaby, feeding the baby, etc.
It is best to place them in the crib while they are still awake. This will help them eventually learn how to fall asleep on their own. They may cry when you leave, but just come back and soothe them and then leave. After sometime, the baby will stop crying when you leave and will sleep without any other fuss.
Even though your baby is sleeping like an angel, they can now roll over from back to stomach easily while sleeping. This might worry you. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that you always put your baby to sleep on their back until they are a year old. But if your baby rolls over in their sleep, you don’t need to readjust them. Just ensure that you follow safe sleeping practices and don’t keep anything in the crib with your baby (like toys, blankets, crib bumpers, etc.).
7 month milestones—your 7 month old baby’s health
As your 7 month old baby continues growing and developing physically as well as behaviorally, every tiny change in them will make you wonder whether this is a symptom for something or whether it is normal. We are listing a few of the common health problems that 7 month old babies might face:
- Colds: Many babies suffer from cold in the first few months after birth. Cold is also called the upper respiratory infection and is caused by a virus. It is very common (hence, the name common cold) and contagious. Your 7 month old baby can also have a runny nose with yellow or green discharge. Having colds is very normal in babies and will go away with some home remedies and a lot of care. But if your baby’s cold lasts for more than 10 days, consult your pediatrician.
- Vomiting: One of the best things to feed your baby is breast milk, and if your baby has a stomach bug, feeding breast milk is even better. If your baby is vomiting and you have been feeding them formula, consider switching to breast milk. Breast milk is more easily digestible during illness as compared to formula or other replacement drinks. You can also try shortening the nursing sessions and then see if the baby can keep the milk down. If the baby throws up everything they have eaten in 24 hours, then visit a doctor immediately.
- Fever: If your baby has a fever higher than 101°F after 7 months of age, you should seek medical attention. Having a fever usually means that your baby is fighting some infection. Fever can be an indication of common cold, ear infections, or even pneumonia. So it is best that you consult a doctor if your baby has a fever.
- Diaper rash: Those pesky diaper rashes are unavoidable. At some point all babies get it. Diaper rash will clear up in a couple of days with the help of rash creams. Diaper rashes can be prevented by using diapers that are made from natural materials like cotton, changing the diaper frequently so that the wetness does on last long on your baby’s skin, making sure the baby gets enough time without a diaper to ensure air circulation, upgrading the diaper sizes when the baby grows, some diaper rash home made remedies etc. You can also apply diaper rash cream when you are travelling to avoid diapers rashes from appearing. But if the rashes are not clearing up in a couple of days and appear bright red, it could also be a fungal infection, which can be cleared with the help of an anti-fungal cream. Keep your doctor posted if the rashes are persistent.
- Constipation: If your baby is constipated, their poop will almost be like hard balls and their belly will feel hard and rigid. Consult a doctor immediately to relieve the baby.
- Diarrhea: If your 7 month old baby’s poop is more watery and runny, then they might be suffering from diarrhea. Diarrhea could be associated with teething as well. Consult your doctor immediately.
- Heat rash: A hot and humid climate can affect your baby and heat rashes may appear on the arms, legs, neck, or the diaper area. There is no need to apply any special creams or ointments. Try using cool water to clean the skin and then dry completely. Dress the baby up in dry and cotton clothing and keep them out of heat. Heat rash will typically go away in a couple of days. Contact your pediatrician if the rashes are persistent.
- Eczema: If the crooks of the elbow and knees show red, itchy, and scaly patches, then your baby probably has eczema. Your pediatrician will diagnose the condition and provide treatment options. Avoid strong scented baby soaps and other baby products. Ensure that the clothes your baby wears are washed with mild detergents and are not prickly. Bathing the baby not more than 3 times in a week is preferable.
- Allergies: Your 7 month old may also have some allergies or sensitivity that haven’t been diagnosed yet. If your baby is excessively fussy, vomits after every feed, the poop is very watery, bloody stools, rashes on the body, etc., then these could be signs that your baby is allergic to something. Consult your doctor to find the allergen that is affecting your baby and the corresponding treatment plans.
- Earache or ear infection: Middle ear infections are quite common in babies between ages 7 months to 3 years. They are often caused when your child has the common cold. You can give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen in the dosage appropriate for them, but it is always advisable to consult your doctor before giving them any medication. If the infection is causing a lot of pain, the doctor may also recommend using ear drops for pain relief. Some form of ear infections are also caused by bacteria and may require you to give your baby antibiotics. Talk to your doctor about the treatment options available for your 7 month old baby.
- Croup: Sometimes babies develop a barking cough or develop a wheezing sound when they are breathing during the winter and fall months (it can happen during other times as well). This is mainly because of an inflammation in the windpipe and voice box. This condition is called croup. This infection has been seen to affect children aged anywhere between 3 months and 3 years. Steam inhalation is helpful if the case is mild. Croup can cause swelling in the airway causing difficulty in breathing. Take them to the doctor right away if you see your child is struggling to breathe.
- Pneumonia: It is lung infection that is more commonly spread during the winter months. Coughing, having breathing difficulties, having a fever, or being too tired and lethargic, are all symptoms of pneumonia. It is better to get a diagnosis as quick as possible so that the treatment can be started. Pneumonia can be caused due to viruses or bacteria, consult, your healthcare provider to get the appropriate treatment.
- Sore throat: It may be difficult for you to decipher that your baby has a sore throat, as they will not be able to tell you anything. But if you notice your baby is having trouble swallowing and is unusually fussy, then you may have sore throat to blame. Viruses and bacteria, both can cause sore throat, but in case of babies it is usually a viral infection. Babies recover from it in about a week to 10 days. If you think your baby has a sore throat, consult your doctor for a conclusive diagnosis and treatment.
- Baby hives: These are mainly allergic reactions that can be seen as red bumps on the skin. Usually they are pale in the center and are seen in clusters in one area. Baby hives are caused because of food allergies, insect bites, pollen, and dust.
7 month milestones—checklist and tips for your 7 month old baby
- Many babies start teething when they are 6 to 7 months old and there are a few exceptions who start teething as early as 3 months. You need to understand the signs of teething. Now, you need to start thinking of dental hygiene even before your baby starts teething.
- You need to rub the gums with a soft cloth or soft baby toothbrush. Once you see a tooth erupting, you can starting using grain sized toothpaste to clean the teeth.
- While teething, babies can experience a lot of discomfort and soreness. You can utilize a few soothing techniques like, using a washcloth, teething rings, or just your fingers to massage the gums can help relieve the pain.
- The FDA advises not to use any pain relief gels and creams that contain benzocaine, as it can have potential side effects that are dangerous.
- You could try Tylenol for teething pain relief if prescribed by your pediatrician.
Assisting your child’s physical development
- Tummy time and play time is still very important to make your baby stronger. This will help your baby start crawling faster.
- To encourage your child to move around, placing toys that are just out of reach can help improve their physical capabilities.
- Hold your baby’s hands and make them stand up and bounce. This will make their legs stronger to support their body weight. Stronger legs would mean that walking will become a little easier for them.
- Playtime in a baby gym can help improve their physical development and motor skills.
Safety precautions
- The best way your 7 month old baby explores the world is by touching and tasting. Whatever they find goes into their mouth. Ensure there are no small toys and parts that can become a potential choking hazard.
- Crawling is a 7 month milestone that many babies may have achieved. But as your child becomes more mobile, the area that they will explore needs to be safe for them. Confining their explorations in a playpen will keep your mind at ease.
- You need to baby proof the house, if you haven’t already. Get on all fours and explore to check if the play area is safe.
- A 7 month old baby can weigh almost 2.5 times their birth weight. This means that they may outgrow their car seat. Always check if there is a need to upgrade the car seat, and get one that is perfect for your child’s age, weight, and size recommended by the manufacturer.
- You can continue using the rear-facing car seat until your baby reaches the maximum height and weight allocation provided by the manufacturers.
- The baby car seat should always be placed in the back seat and secured properly. You need to do this each time you travel, even if it is for a short distance.
- Ensure that everyone that takes the baby out knows how to fasten the car seat properly.
- The most important safety precaution is to never leave your baby in the car alone, not even for just a minute.
- With technology at our fingertips, it is easier to just prop up the baby in front of a TV screen, tablet, phone, etc. There are baby-friendly programs that your child could watch while you can take some needed rest and relax.
- The AAP recommends no screen usage for children less than 2 years old. So it is better to avoid screen altogether. Try and use other things to keep your little one entertained.
- Now that your baby is moving, rolling, crawling, scooting, etc., it is important to keep an eye on them when they are on high surfaces like the changing table, bed, sofa, etc. Always keep one hand on the baby.
Assisting your child’s cognitive development
- An important 7 month milestone is that your baby has developed full color vision. So they will love colorful toys when they are playing.
- Give your child toys of different shapes, colors, sizes, textures, etc. to stimulate their brain to learn more.
- Giving them toys that make sounds when they are pressed, poked, hugged, etc. are their favorites. They learn about cause and effect through these toys.
- You don’t need to spend a ton of money and buy all these stimulating toys. Even regular household items are fun to play with. Spoons, pots, pans, bottles, colorful cloth, colorful books with pictures, etc. are all great as substitute toys.
- Before giving your baby any household item, ensure that it is safe for the baby, and only let them play under adult supervision.
- Including classic children’s games like peek-a-boo, itsy-bitsy spider, etc. as playtime staples can make playing fun for both of you.
- The best learning tools that you can give a 7 month old baby are books. Books like the ones that have different textures they can touch, the ones that make sounds of corresponding animals and birds, or the ones that you need to lift sections to see something pop up.
- All these books can help stimulate your child’s brain while they are just having fun.
Adapting to your child’s dietary changes
- As a 7 month old baby is able to sit without support, it is good to place them on a high chair at the dinner table with the rest of the family. While looking at other members eating, they will try and copy them.
- Including children at the table with other family members can help them start eating independently sooner. Plus it adds to their social skills, as they learn to interact with people.
- Some babies can have eczema flare up at different times during their first year. The reason has been linked to the start of eating solid food.
Assisting your child’s communication skills
- Your 7 month old baby has started babbling, but obviously it is all gibberish still. But you need to encourage these babbles, as the practice of talking is important to build a foundation for having conversations.
- Talking and singing to them can help them pick up words that they can identity and they try to participate by repeating them.
- Your 7 month old baby has turned into a copycat and will try and copy everything you do or say. So keep repeating words like mamma, dada, dog, cat, etc., so that they can start copying them.
- Talking to them and having conversations is important even if you don’t understand anything they say. Responding to them encourages them to talk more.
- Take your child out on a stroller and point at things and say what they are, this will create words associations for them and they will start to slowly understand what each word corresponds to.
- If you speak a foreign language, then this is a good time to start using it in front of your child. They are like a sponge at this age and will be able to grasp it more easily.
- Singing is also another way for them to learn words and also have some fun in the process.
Assisting your child’s social skills
- Start saying hello and goodbye to make them understand that these are some social etiquettes that can come in handy.
- You can start having playdates with other babies to develop their social skills.
- If you have older children, then they can be some of the best teachers for the baby to learn from and also develop the necessary social skills for the future.
- Start introducing them to everyone that they meet. This will help them understand that this is what is done when you meet someone new.
Assisting your child’s motor skills
- A 7 month old baby has slowly fine-tuned their motor skills to help them grab and hold things properly.
- This is a good time to introduce spoons and sippy cups, as this will further enhance their motor skills.
- Encourage crawling by placing toys at a distance. They will try and reach it by crawling, scooting, rolling or any other way of going from point A to B.
- Keep their toys on the sofa so they will learn how to take support of the sofa and stand up. This can help their legs get accustomed to holding their weight, which can help them learn how to start walking.
- Playing with stacking toys or toys that have different shaped items that needs to be placed inside the corresponding shaped slots can help increase not just their motor skills but also their cognitive skills.
Checklist and tips for moms
Being a mom is not easy, especially during the first year. Your baby needs your constant attention and you may start feeling stressed, exhausted, irritated, and even angry more often than you would like. This is completely normal and many moms go through it.
Even though your baby is always your first priority, you also need to look after yourself and your health. Because if you are suffering in any way, it will inhibit your ability to take care of your child. The following things have to be kept in mind, especially during the first year:
Postpartum depression
We can get medication for physical ailments easily, but there are still a lot of people who don’t get the required help to ensure they have a good mental health. Moms tend to ignore their mental health completely when a baby is born.
Mental health is an important element and you need to take proper steps to ensure you don’t go through postpartum depression, and if you are going through postpartum depression, you need to get the necessary help to ensure your mental health does not stop you from becoming the best mom.
Remove time to talk to your partner every week or month about what you are feeling, thinking, and where you are at mentally. Some women can experience drastic mood changes that can even affect their milk production.
If you have started weaning your baby, which results in less breastfeeding, then you can be affected by the changing hormones and notice even more mood swings. A baby’s changing diet not just affects them, but also you.
If at any point you feel like you may hurt yourself or your child in any way, then immediately call 911 or your doctor to get the required help before any harm is done.
Start using contraception
Many women who have been breastfeeding their child may see their menstrual cycles starting again when their baby is around 6 to 7 months old. Some women can start having their periods even sooner. It may not be as regular as it used to be before you were pregnant, as it takes time for the body to adjust to the changes, especially if you are still breastfeeding.
Some women notice longer cycles, while other notice shorter cycles. You don’t need to worry in either case. Give it some time to get back on track. Your body has been through many changes, consider this as the new normal now.
As soon as you start getting your periods, you can get pregnant again. If you and your partner are fertile and don’t want to get to get pregnant again so soon after giving birth, then it will be best to start using contraception again. Without contraception, you can get pregnant again a lot sooner than you may have imagined.
Take care of stress
Having a baby can be stressful for parents. There is lot to take care of and to think about, and your stress levels can go into overdrive. Your baby’s giggles can relieve some stress, but it cannot just magically disappear. But off course, there are some things that you can do to manage your stress levels.
Try the following tips to help control you stress levels:
- Ask for help: We know you are a supermom, but every superhero needs a sidekick. Take help for completing your household chores. Ask some of your family members and friends to babysit your child while you take a much needed break. After all, doesn’t it take a village to raise a child??
- Be ready to adjust: You may have a set routine or schedule that you follow, but a baby does not understand routines and schedules. So you may have to throw away those well-crafted schedule out the window. Rather than making a strict schedule, create a to-do list that you can complete at your own pace and time. Remember that the world will not come to an end if the dirty laundry sits in the basket to an extra day.
- No comparisons: It is very easy to compare yourself with other moms and feel guilty for not being able to do things as efficiently as they can. Looking at social media can make you think like the whole world is doing way better with their child that you are. Don’t burden yourself further by making these comparisons. Focus on you and your child and work in a way that best suits you and not the world.
- Take breaks: Enjoying a little ‘alone-time or me-time’ is essential. Catch up with friends, have a spa day, read a book, go to a salon and pamper yourself, go shopping, or just sleep like a rock, just do something that helps you relax. Arrange for a friend, relative, or babysitter to take care of your child, so that you can recharge your batteries and come back even stronger.
- Limit your commitments: You don’t need to do everything and say yes to every request. Don’t take on more than what you can handle. You and your child come before everything else. So if things are not important and easily avoidable, just say ‘no’ or delay it. You don’t need to make that cake for your cousin’s engagement party, you don’t need to help your friend make that presentation, and you need to help your colleague making the analysis report for the first quarter. Don’t take on anything that can increase your stress levels. However, if you feel like taking on a hobby can help you feel relaxed, then by all means, just go for it.
- Live healthy: It is easy to just order a pizza when you are tired, and it is completely okay to do so once in a while. But if it becomes a habit, it can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. We are not saying that you need to hit the gym, go on a diet, and contort your body into a hundred yoga poses. Just make little changes like add more fruits and veggies in your plate when you eat. You don’t need a high intensity workout, taking your child for walks is also a good exercise to reduce stress levels.
Final thoughts
Your baby is closer to being a year old and you may feel pressured to think why your baby is not trying to stand up yet, why are they not teething yet, why are they not eating solid food yet, etc. The 7 month milestones are not a checklist that your child has to complete in order to become 8 months old. No!!!
Celebrate the 7 month milestones your child has achieved and be patient regarding the milestones they have not achieved. All babies go through these milestones sooner or later. You don’t worry if your child achieves some 7 month milestones when they were 5 months old, then why worry if they achieve certain other 7 month milestones when they are 9 months old.
Just keep encouraging your baby’s growth, and they will soon be able to achieve many of their milestones. But don’t be harsh on them or force them to grow faster than they can. Your love and encouragement is all they need, after all you are dealing with only a 7 month old baby.
Enjoy these precious moments with your baby because they will grow up faster than you think. Focus on your baby’s wellbeing and overall growth rather than just the 7 month milestones. After all, a healthy baby is a happy baby.
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