Do Identical Twins have the same Fingerprints?
Author: Amar Kirale
- >> Post Created: August 20, 2020
- >> Last Updated: March 15, 2025
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Veena Shinde (M.D, D.G.O, PG – Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) from Warick, UK) Mumbai, India
Do identical twins have the same fingerprints? - Table of Contents
We have all grown up watching movies and shows or reading books where the evil twin is the shocking mastermind behind all the crime. Many times the way for that villain to escape is to make the good twin the scapegoat for the crimes. We all consumed the story believing that, off course that is possible as both of them are identical. They are practically indistinguishable from one and other. Hence the question remains do identical twins have the same fingerprints?
Let us explain this in a manner that will help you understand the concept better. We will go through the following sections to ultimately answer the question – Do Identical Twins have the Same Fingerprints?
Do identical twins share the same DNA?
Identical twins (also called monozygotic twins or one cell twins) are born when a single zygote (fertilized egg) divides itself into two. As both the new zygotes are formed from one fertilized egg, they have the same genetic makeup; therefore, the babies will have the same genetic blueprint.
If we conduct a standard DNA test on identical twins, it will be impossible to find any distinguishing factors between them. They share the same DNA.
Identical Twins Fertilization Diagram
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Do identical twins look completely alike?
We have all heard of identical twins switching places just to see if people were able to identify them. Fred and George Weasley always tried to pull this prank on their mother. Many times they passed, but a lot of times they failed to fool people.
Genetically, identical twins are completely same. But a person is not just shaped by their genes, the environmental factors also affect the twins and may result in slightly different appearances. Many twins can be distinguished by these subtle differences in their appearance. The difference could appear in their height, weight, etc. But that minor difference is all you need.
Random mutations on the skin like the pattern of freckles and moles will also be different for the twins, hence, making them identifiable.
So even though identical twins are completely same genetically, the environment will affect each baby differently and create these minor changes in their appearance making identical twins not completely identical after all.
How fingerprints are formed?
Fingerprints are mainly designed by the person’s genetic code, i.e., the DNA, along with various environmental factors.
Genetics will determine the overall patterns on a fingertip, like the arches, loops, and whorls. Each finger has one or more of these patterns on the skin.
As the fetus develops, certain environmental factors can alter or affect the appearance of these patterns.
These factors include bone growth, pressures inside the womb, differences in umbilical cord length, blood flow, nutrition access inside the womb, blood pressure, position of the womb, hormone levels, contact with the amniotic fluid, etc.
Fingerprints continue to form semi-randomly based on these environmental factors. This will create unique ridges and patterns in every finger of every person.
These patterns on the fingers, palms and feet only become fully formed and permanent between the 13th and 19th weeks of pregnancy.
These patterns remain permanent for the entire life span of the individual, excluding any changes that may arise due to severe mutilation or skin disease.
These patterns are unique for each individual and there have been no two individuals in the world having the same fingerprints. Even your own fingers have different patterns in each one of them. Try and open your phone with some other finger and it won’t start.
All this now gets us close to answer the question – Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?
Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?
We have understood that fingerprint patterns are not just shaped due to the genetic code but also the environmental factors. This means that identical twins will have many similarities in their fingerprints as their genetic code is the same. But it cannot be identical.
Environmental factors also affect these patterns. Each of the twins will be exposed to some different environment in the womb. Even the fingertip touching the amniotic sac will create a minor change in the ridges of the skin. These slight differences in the patterns can help in identifying one twin from the other.
The composition is definitely unique for each baby.
In conclusion, the answer to the question – Do identical twins have the same fingerprints? is – No. No two individuals can have the same fingerprint pattern, not even identical twins.
Thanks for sharing interesting information
Thanks for sharing such interesting information. Well-researched and detailed! 🙂
Thank you to the writer for providing the necessary information