- Author: Khushboo Kirale
- >> Post Created: June 3, 2021
- >> Last Updated: January 23, 2025
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Veena Shinde (M.D, D.G.O, PG – Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) from Warick, UK) Mumbai, India
Are you pregnant???—Know with these early signs of pregnancy
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You are ready to have a baby and can’t wait for the good news. You have already started designing the nursery in your head and have started picking names. Then you remember that you may just be getting ahead of yourself and will have to wait for the next missed period to confirm whether you are pregnant or not.
This waiting can make many people restless. You want to know as soon as possible. But is it even possible to know whether you are pregnant before your missed period. The answer is, YES!!!
There are some early pregnancy symptoms before missed period that can indicate you are pregnant. We have covered as many early signs of pregnancy as possible and have also answered some of the frequent questions to help you on your pregnancy journey.
Am I pregnant?
You may think that there are no probable signs of pregnancy before missed periods, but you are wrong there. The moment the egg fertilizes and is then implanted in the uterine wall, you are pregnant from that moment on. The implantation happens before your missed periods.
Once the fertilized egg implants, your body will start showing pregnancy symptoms. This can start happening within few days of implantation to within a few weeks after implantation. So you may start noticing subtle signals that you pregnant early on.
Most pregnant women will start showcasing the pregnancy symptoms within the first 6 weeks. This may change depending upon the woman and the number of fertilized eggs she is carrying. But overall, it is safe to say that you may know you are pregnant because of these early pregnancy symptoms before missed period.
Read this next
22 Early Pregnancy Symptoms Before Missed Period
For most women, their missed period is one of the first early signs of pregnancy. But there are some early pregnancy symptoms before missed period that can indicate pregnancy. We have listed below some of the more common (and some not so common) early signs of pregnancy that can help you guess whether you have a bun in the oven.
But remember that in order to be pregnant, you don’t need to have all these symptoms (some women don’t have any of the symptoms before their missed period). Even if you have a few of these symptoms, it is a good sign to take the home pregnancy test and know for sure.
The following are some of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period:
1. Missed period: I know what you are thinking, how can missed period be one of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period?? Because missed period is the most common early sign of pregnancy, we had to include it.
If your period train comes on time every month, then missing it can be a clear sign that you are pregnant. As soon as you conceive, the body will stop producing the hormones required for ovulating as well as shedding of the uterine wall lining. This stops your menstrual cycle and you will not get your periods again till the baby is born.
However, missed periods is not a sure shot indicator of pregnancy, especially if you have a history of irregular periods. Missed periods can also be due to dieting (or eating disorders), hormone imbalances, PCOS, excessive exercise, etc.
2. Frequent urination: When you are pregnant, your body’s blood supply increases to sustain both the mother and the child. Because of the increased blood flow, the kidney’s work overtime to remove the waste in the blood in the form of urine. The more blood the kidney filters, the more urine is formed. So if you feel the urge to urinate frequently, you may just be pregnant.
This early sign of pregnancy can be observed as soon as two weeks after you conceive. This sign will be observed throughout your pregnancy, because as the fetus develops, there will be added pressure on the uterus causing frequent urination. So be ready for frequent bathroom breaks.
3. Fatigue: Yes, I mean a lot more tired than what you might feel during periods. There are higher levels of progesterone in the body during pregnancy that causes women to feel fatigued all the time, especially during the first trimester. For many women fatigue gets a lot better during the second trimester. So until then, take ample of rest, sleep as much as you can, drink plenty of water, have nutritious food regularly, and don’t exert yourself this could be a probable sign of pregnancy.
4. Morning sickness: Although it is called morning sickness, it can occur at any time, morning, noon, or night. This is one of the few early signs of pregnancy that can be seen as soon as two weeks after conception. This is mainly cause by the higher levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body.
Just like all other early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods, this symptom is also not observed in all pregnant women. Some women feel nauseous constantly, while some others don’t feel nauseous at all. Some throw up, while others only feel nauseous but no vomiting. But if you are vomiting, ensure that you stay hydrated, as vomiting can lead to dehydration. There are simple tricks to prevent morning sickness and mostly it can be handled easily.
Some pregnant women cannot keep anything they eat or drink down, they just keep throwing everything up. This extreme vomiting and nausea can be because of a condition called hyperemesis gravidarum. Contact your healthcare provider if you think you have the condition and show signs of hyperemesis gravidarum to get the required treatment.
5. Breast enlargement and soreness: Many women have tender breasts even when they are on their period. But this is one of those early pregnancy symptoms before missed period that will cause you a lot more discomfort than what is observed during periods. As your body gets used the increased levels of hormones in the body, the soreness will subside.
Another major observation is enlarged breasts. Your breasts are the first part of body that get the message that you have conceived. If you have started noticing this tenderness and enlargement, it may be time to invest in some comfortable maternity bras.
6. Darker areolas: The above early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods can be confused with general PMS, but darker areolas is restricted to when you are pregnant only. Your areolas (the circles that are around the nipples) will become darker and even larger after conception. You will also observe tiny bumps like structures on the areolas. These bumps help in lubricating the nipples while nursing. But these early signs of pregnancy are not always observed before your missed period. In some women, these signs may be observed after weeks of conception.
7. Blood spotting/implantation bleeding: This bleeding is not going to be like your regular period bleeding; it’s more like light spotting. This can feel like a bad sign, but a little spotting is common and nothing to worry about. This implantation bleeding is a sign that the embryo has been implanted in the uterus.
Implantation bleeding can be like a brownish discharge or like just a few drops of blood. It can last for a few days around the time of the period. Therefore, many women can confuse implantation bleeding with a light period. Some women even feel pain along with the light bleeding causing them to further believe that they are on their period.
8. Food cravings: Many sitcoms have had episodes where the recurring joke is about the pregnant woman’s (sometimes weird) food cravings. From Lucy (from I Love Lucy) craving papaya milkshake to Phoebe (from Friends) craving meat even though she is a vegetarian, there have been countless other examples of pregnancy and food cravings in shows and movies.
But this is not just a pregnancy trope. Many pregnant women crave certain food and feel hungry constantly. Some women even develop food aversions. They crave some food during the initial months and dislike the same flavor in the later months of pregnancy. So be ready for changes in your likes and dislikes (who knows, you may just start loving pineapple pizza).
9. Metallic taste: Some women have experienced a metallic taste in their mouth as one of their early signs of pregnancy. This development of strange taste in the mouth is called Dysguesia. This can be triggered when you eat specific food items or it might be observed randomly all throughout the day.
10. Dizziness and headaches: Headaches along with a feeling of dizziness is a quite common early pregnancy sign. Along with the hormonal changes, the increased blood volumes flowing through the body can cause the blood vessels to dilate. This leads to lower blood pressure that in turn causes dizziness.
Some women can go the opposite way and have high blood pressure. Hypertension in most cases is either preexisting or is caused due to other underlying problems. Talk to your doctor to get the necessary treatment.
The hormonal changes in the body cause the blood sugar levels in the body to dip. This will cause the brain cells to struggle to keep the blood sugar level that causes headaches.
11. Cramps: Some women experience cramps during the early stages of their pregnancy, and these cramps can feel just like pregnancy cramps. Pregnancy cramps are mainly felt in the lower back or lower stomach. But if you feel that the cramps are a lot more severe than period cramps and are mainly felt on one side of the body, you should contact your doctor, as this could be a sign of Ectopic Pregnancy.
12. Mood swings: During pregnancy, hormones just take over your body and cause extreme mood swings. You can feel extreme anger, sudden laughter, depression, etc. Unlike the PMS, mood swings during pregnancy can last all throughout (and even after) your pregnancy. But if at any point you feel extreme depression and an urge to hurt yourself or others, contact your healthcare provider to get the best care possible to keep you and your baby safe.
13. Smell sensitivity: One the less common early pregnancy symptoms before missed period is smell sensitivity. Scents that may be normal for others can be repulsive for pregnant women. Heightened smell can also cause morning sickness and nausea.
14. Bloating and constipation: We hate bloating when we have our periods, but bloating is also an early pregnancy sign. This is mainly cause due to the increased level of pregnancy-induced progesterone. Increase in the hormone levels can cause the digestive system to slow down, causing gas to be trapped in the intestine. This can also cause constipation. Who knew not being able to poop could be one of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods.
15. Higher basal body temperature (BBT): Your BBT is the temperature when you fully resting; therefore, it is usually measured when you wake up in the morning. Although this is one of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period, it can only be properly evaluated if you have been monitoring your BBT beforehand.
The BBT increases during ovulation because the progesterone levels rise in the body. The BBT will drop when the period starts. But if you are pregnant, the BBT will not drop and stay on the higher side. If the BBT level remains on the higher side for 18 or more consecutive days, it can be a sign that you are pregnant.
16. Cervical mucus: Another early sign of pregnancy is increase in the vaginal discharge. If the secretion remains creamy, it can be a good sign and can mean you are pregnant. The cervical mucus can be white or pale yellow and also sticky. The hormonal changes and increase in vaginal blood flow can cause more cervical mucus. This may even be continued throughout the pregnancy as the cervix softens.
17. Increased heart rate: Due to the hormone levels increasing and increased blow flow, the heart will start pumping blood faster. This can lead to heart palpitations and arrhythmias. This is common during pregnancy, but it is better to consult your healthcare provider to ensure there are no underlying heart problems.
18. Weight gain: Although weigh gain is more common during the end of the first trimester, but you may find that you have started gaining weight much earlier. You don’t need to change your diet initially, but as the pregnancy progresses you will have to increase your caloric intake to sustain the baby. Chalking out a diet plan with your doctor beforehand can help.
19. Heartburn: The hormonal changes in the body after a woman conceives can relax the valve between the esophagus and the stomach. This can cause the acid from the stomach to leak causing heartburn.
20. Pregnancy glow and acne: Many people will start saying that you are showing the pregnancy glow in the initial few weeks itself. The increased blood flow and the hormonal changes flush more blood through the vessels, causing the oil glands to work more. This can give a glossy sheen to your skin. Sometimes, this can even cause acne to sprout.
21. Aches and pain: The hormones will start preparing your body to hold a baby. This means creating more space by stretching the ligaments and joints. Even before you have missed a period, you may start feeling the pain.
22. Shortness of breath: Once you are pregnant, your body will require oxygen for two now. Your body will slowly start increasing the need for oxygen as the pregnancy progresses. This can cause shortness of breath even after minor movements and exercise.
The above list covers 99% of the early signs of pregnancy. But there are a lot more rare early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods, because every woman will be in different environments, situations, climactic conditions, etc.
Obviously, most women don’t show all the symptoms. Many women can show a lot of these symptoms, some may show only a few of these symptoms, and some other may not show any of the symptoms till a little later in the pregnancy. So don’t think of these early signs of pregnancy as a prerequisite to be pregnant. You may still be pregnant without showing any of the early signs of pregnancy.
How soon will I know that I am pregnant?
Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life and every woman will have a unique experience. Some women just instinctively know by subtle changes in their body that they are pregnant, even before a missed period, while others may have to wait for their missed period to know that they might be pregnant. Some women may not even know they are pregnant till a few months after conception.
The early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods can only give you an idea that you may be pregnant, it is not a confirmation. The only way to confirm your pregnancy is through a pregnancy test. You can take a home pregnancy test first to know if you are pregnant. If the test is positive, you can go ahead and book a doctor’s appointment for further tests and examination of your baby’s growth.
When should I take a pregnancy test?
Home pregnancy test check the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone in the urine. This hormone starts building up in the body right after conception. But it takes time to produce enough hCG that can detected in the pregnancy test. You can test a week before your period is due, but the best result will be any time after the missed period. By then the body will have enough hCG to be accurately detected in the urine.
If you start checking immediately after conception, the hCG levels may be too low to be detected and you can get a false negative report. We know you want a confirmation as soon as possible, but have patience and wait for the right time to test to get more accurate results.
How soon can I take a pregnancy test after witnessing some of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period?
You may have started seeing some of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods, but until you do a pregnancy test, the pregnancy is not confirmed. Home pregnancy tests check for the presence of hCG in the urine. As mentioned earlier, it takes time to build up the hormone in the body, so checking immediately after conception may give you false results.
It has been found that the home pregnancy tests are 60–75% accurate if you test a week prior to your scheduled period. If you wait till the missed period to test, the accuracy of the tests increases to 90%, and if you wait another week after missed period, the accuracy is 99%. You can test earlier, but waiting will give you the most accurate results.
Can I be pregnant if I still get my period?
Once you are pregnant, the hormones released in the body will stop your menstrual cycle. This means you will not get your period till after the baby is born. But you can get some light bleeding in the initial few days because of implantation.
You can experience implantation bleeding around the same time as your missed period or even before that. Unlike your regular periods, this bleeding will be very light, almost like spotting. It will go on for a few days and then stop. You don’t need to worry about it, but if the bleeding is accompanied by severe pain (especially on one side of your body) then it may be time to contact your doctor.
Can I have some of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period but still not be pregnant?
Many of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period can be due to other medical reasons as well as because of your regular periods. But if you use a home pregnancy test and it comes out negative, then it could mean there is some other medical condition causing the symptoms. Contact your doctor to know the reason for the symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be started.
How soon will I be able to see early pregnancy symptoms before missed period?
Many women have experienced early signs of pregnancy like nausea and vomiting, fatigue, tender breasts, etc. within days after conception. Some other show it a week before missed periods and some other a few weeks after missed period. There is no set time frame in which each women will see these symptoms, it will differ for each woman. But most women start noticing some of the symptoms after 6 weeks of conception.
Difference between early signs of pregnancy and PMS
Many of the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period are similar to PMS. This includes cramps, tender breasts, fatigue, bloating, etc. So it can be very easy to confuse these symptoms with regular PMS. But if some of these symptoms go on even after your missed period, it may be because you are pregnant.
There are certain other early pregnancy symptoms before missed period that are unique to pregnancy like darker and bumpy areolas, elevated levels of BBT, creamy vaginal discharge, etc. If you notice them, they can indicate pregnancy, but again, these signs are also not a fool-proof confirmation of pregnancy.
If you notice some symptoms that are you normally don’t experience during your period you can take a home pregnancy test to check if these symptoms are because of pregnancy.
Final thoughts
There is no concrete way to confirm that you are pregnant by just the early pregnancy symptoms before missed period. A pregnancy test is a must to confirm that you are indeed carrying a bun in the oven.
These early signs of pregnancy can help indicate that you may be pregnant. This indication can help you start preparing in advance for pregnancy tests and doctor’s appointments. Because if you are pregnant, you will have to start thinking about prenatal care and other dos and don’ts of pregnancy.
If you have any medical conditions that need treatment, your doctor can prescribe an alternative pregnancy friendly medication instead of the regular one. Just knowing from the early signs of pregnancy can help you reach your doctor sooner for alternative medicine than waiting for your missed period, because certain medication can affect your growing fetus.
And finally, don’t be disappointed if these signs don’t lead to a confirmed pregnancy. You can always try next month again or you can talk to a fertility expert to increase your chances of pregnancy in the coming months. Until then, keep a close watch on yourself for these early pregnancy symptoms before missed periods, you may just be pregnant.
Happy pregnancy!!
Yeah it is definitely a good idea to think about pregnancy signs prior to a missed period so you can be mindful about medication, alcohol etc. Very informative article 🙂
I remember having intense period-like cramps (I usually don’t get those) very early in preganancy and that’s how I knew that I was pregnant.
Very informative
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