Author: Khushboo Kirale
- >> Post Created: December 10, 2020
- >> Last Updated: March 3, 2025
How to Increase Breast Milk Supply - Table of Contents
‘Am I producing enough milk to suffice my baby?’ How to increase milk supply? What food should I eat? are the questions that commonly lingers in the mind of all mothers. Every mother gets this questions. It’s no different.
We all fret over the slightest sign of crying, a hiccup, a burp, or even a whimper and then worry whether the baby is feeding to their hearts content.
After breastfeeding 4 babies, including a set of triplets, I understood how to increase milk supply (especially while feeding 3 babies simultaneously). Here are some tips, some recipes and dos and don’ts which go a long way to maintain and ensure a healthy supply of milk for your child.
My first suggestion to all mothers is RELAX and TRUST your child.
Just look for signs that show whether your child is content like:
- Do they seem content after eating?
- Do they sleep well?
- Are they having plenty of wet diapers?
If you consistently see the above signs positively in your baby, then just don’t worry.
However, if you are suspicious that you have a low milk supply, and thinking how to increase milk supply then there are ways to do so and that too swiftly. Let me explain.
Can you increase breast milk production?
As mentioned earlier, you are not the only one that worries about not producing enough milk for your baby.
A research by CDC shows that approximately 75 percent of new mothers start off breastfeeding their babies, but many stop partially or completely within the first few months itself. One of the most common reasons for this is the constant worry about providing insufficient milk.
For most of you, your milk supply is just fine, but for others who are facing an actual problem of low milk supply, there are some simple tips which can be used to increase the milk supply.
This article elaborates on using several methods and practices (a few of which I completely vouch for) that have been proven to increase milk supply since ages.
Before we proceed on to the tips to increase your milk supply, let’s look at the reasons which may be the reason for the reduction in your breast milk supply.
22 Tips from mother of Triplets on ‘How to increase milk supply’
You could follow any, all, or a combination of the following 22 tips given below on ‘How to increase milk supply’.
1. Evaluate your baby’s latch
Lot of times it is not the question of how to increase milk supply but are we doing things correctly. It sometimes take few breast feeding sessions in the beginning for the mother and baby to adjust to each other. Ensure that your baby is latched to your breast/nipple correctly. It will boost milk supply and let-down reflex.
2. Nurse on demand
As mentioned before, nurse your child on demand and as many times as your child demands especially in the very initial phase. Let down is a complete demand and supply process, and your milk production will increase as your child feeds more and more.
To understand more about let-down reflex refer to our article on: Your Absolute Guide to Simplify Let-Down Reflex (Milk Ejection Reflex) with 12 Tips
3. Power Pumping
One of the very effective ways to increase your milk supply quickly is with a power pump. If you power pump for 2–3 days in a row, after every nursing session for 10–20 minutes, it will fully empty your breasts giving your body a signal to make more milk.
This technique had really helped me increase my milk supply while I was nursing my triplets. You can store this excess milk for the times you are away or an alternative caregiver is taking care of your baby,
4. Breast massage while nursing or pumping
For mothers, the question, how to increase milk supply often arises while nursing. Doing breast massage while nursing plays important role in increasing the breast milk production. Caressing your breasts and massaging them and then compressing before each session to relax and sooth your breasts will stimulate the nerves beneath. This will help in increasing the milk supply.
All you need to do is massage your breasts gently by strokes directed towards the nipples with the edge of your fingers. Further delicately roll your nipples between your fingers.
I had personally found it very helpful.
5. Eat more
Eat healthy food at regular intervals to keep yourself physically and mentally fit. Eating healthily goes a long way in not only maintaining a healthy milk supply but also keeping your vitals going strong.
6. Hydrate yourself
You need to constantly hydrate yourself to ensure that you are not dehydrated because of feeding. Keep a bottle of juice or water at accessible locations when you are feeding to remind you to keep yourself hydrated while feeding your child.
Liquids help in formulation of milk, which in turn provides a healthy let down. This is one of the basic steps to increase breast milk supply.
7. Rest as much as you can
For the initial couple of months, your sleep schedule is going to be erratic. Instead of worrying about how to increase milk supply, relax a bit and ensure you get enough rest in between feeds or even take power naps as much as you can. Take help from caregivers, family, and friends to ensure that you get enough rest. Proper rest is known to stimulate brain cells, which in turn helps in let down and increases milk supply.
8. Offer both breasts alternatively when nursing
As mentioned earlier, when you nurse from only one breast, you are not feeding your baby to your full potential. Hence, offer both breasts when nursing, to stimulate a healthy breast milk production. You can also pump on the other breast that your baby isn’t nursing on.
9. Pump regularly and ensure you replace pumping parts
While breastfeeding triplets, I had to use the breast pump more extensively as compared to someone with a single child. Pumping can be a good stimulator. Always pump after feeds so that you empty your breasts completely giving your body a sign to produce more.
If you are pumping as an alternative sometimes, then check your pump on a regular basis to ensure all the parts are working optimally. Experts suggest that you replace the parts of your breast pump on a regular basis, i.e., between 4 and 6 weeks.
Read this next
10. Avoid soda and caffeine
For some people soda and caffeine can be an addiction. But if you are distressed about how to increase milk supply then should seriously consider stopping it or atleast cutting it down This can show a considerable increase in breast milk supply.
11. Stay away from smoking
Smoking affects breast milk production adversely. Smoking also transmits harmful chemicals to your baby via your breast milk. Women who smoke around 10 cigarettes a day experience reduced milk supply and also show changes in their milk’s composition.
12. Avoid consuming alcohol
As per the CDC, completely avoiding alcohol is the safest option for breastfeeding mothers.
Up to 1 standard drink per day is not known to be injurious to a breastfeeding mother or the infant. Just wait for 2 hours after the drink before you nurse your child.
An exposure to alcohol above moderate levels through breast milk can damage an infant’s development, growth, and sleep patterns.
Alcohol consumption above moderate levels can also impair the mother’s judgment and ability to safely care for her child.
13. Do not start feeding through bottles in the initial period
As mentioned earlier in the article, sucking on a bottle is much easier than that on the breast. If you feed your little one through milk bottles often, then over time you will see your child getting more and more reluctant to suck on the breast as the bottle is easier and the milk also flows faster and constantly through the bottle nipples.
This in turn adversely affects milk production.
To maintain a smooth healthy let-down, ensure that in the initial few months, you exclusively breastfeed your baby. Consistent breastfeeding enhances your milk production.
14. Nursing supplemental device
We understand and know that your first couple of months are going to be difficult and tiring for both you and your baby, and breastfeeding can become a bit draining.
But understand that it’s very important for you to breastfeed exclusively to maintain your milk supply. For the days when you are too drained, you can use a nursing supplemental device. This not only ensures your child gets all the nourishment, but the latching to the breast is also not missed out.
These are really useful when you are feeling fatigued and stressed, and do not want your baby to lose interest in latching onto you.
15. Lactation inducing cookies
There are a lot of lactation cookies options and variety available online. You can choose from various options available in the market also or you could also look at buying cookie dough and make these lactation cookies at home.
Although there is no available research that links to increase in milk production and lactation cookies specifically, but some of the ingredients in these cookies are known to help increase breast milk production. These lactation promoting food and herbs are called galactagogues.
Some of lactation inducing foods and herbs include:
- Whole oats
- Wheat germ
- Brewer’s yeast
- Flaxseed meal
Another way is making the lactation cookies yourself. Get your Monica Gellar (from Friends) cooking cap on and create some yummy bites for yourself. Here is a very simple recipe for a lactation cookie:
The do it yourself Lactation Cookie recipe
- 2 cups white flour
- 2 cups oats
- 1 tbsp. wheat germ
- 1/4 cup brewers’ yeast
- 2 tbsp. flaxseed meal
- 1 cup butter, softened
- 3 egg yolks
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup water
- 1 and 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) for 10–20 minutes.
- Take the flaxseed meal in small bowl and add water the water. Mix it well and set it aside for at least 5 minutes.
- Take the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar in a large mixing bowl and beat them until it reaches a creamy consistency.
- Add all egg yolks along with the vanilla extract to the creamy mixture. Beat on low setting for about half a minute so that the ingredients are well combined.
- Now add the flaxseed meal and water mixture to the creamy mixture and mix well till combined.
- Take another bowl and add the flour, wheat germ, baking soda, brewer’s yeast, and salt. Mix well and then incorporate the mixture into the butter cream mixture. Stir it well till it combines.
- Finally, fold in the oats into the mixture and make small dough of roughly 2-inch sizes and place them on baking tray with the baking sheet. Keep the dough 2 inches apart from each other.
- On bake the cookies for about 10 to 12 minutes or until the edges of the cookies turn golden brown.
- Once done let the cookies cool down on a wire rack and then they are perfectly good to eat.
You can also add dried fruits, chocolate chips, peanut butter, mixed nuts, raisins, or anything that your taste buds fancy to make these cookies more customized.
16. Other foods, herbs, and supplements known to increase milk supply
Yes, there are a variety of foods and herbs that are known to increase breast milk production, according to the Canadian Breastfeeding Foundation. Some, such as fenugreek, have been found to take effect in as early as seven days. Few of these foods and herbs include:
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Fenugreek
- Fennel
- Brewer’s yeast
- Blessed thistle
- Alfalfa
- Spirulina
Always talk to your doctor before taking a new supplement, especially when breastfeeding. Even natural remedies may cause side effects or you might be allergic to them.
17. Consider a galactagogue
Any substance (including herbs, food products, prescription medication, devices, etc.) that increases breast milk production is called a galactagogue. See What is a galactagogue? for more information.
18. Avoid pacifiers when possible
All of your baby’s sucking needs should be satisfied at the mother’s breast. If a temporary supplement is medically required, it can be given with a nursing supplemental device or by spoon, cup, or dropper.
19. Skin-to-skin contact
As you are aware, you and your baby share a unique bond. Skin-to-skin contact by placing your baby on your chest directly helps stimulate milk ejection. So look, touch, and smell your baby before feed and place them in direct contact with your skin.
Skin-to-skin contact is regularly used as a treatment for premature babies, but it also has many benefits for full-term newborns as well. Skin-to-skin contact, which is also called kangaroo care, is a way in which a baby is held. In this method, you keep your child, who is wearing only a diaper and a hat, on your bare chest and then cover them with a blanket. This method helps in lowering your baby’s stress (YES, baby’s also get stressed because of the continuous brain stimulation), improves their breathing, and is even known to regulate their body temperature.
Skin-to-skin contact enhances your bonding with your child, and it is great for breastfeeding. Many studies indicate that kangaroo care can encourage your baby to breastfeed for a longer duration, and it also helps you to produce more breast milk to satisfy your baby’s growing needs.
20. While expressing, think about your baby
You may find it easier to express milk when you are in close proximity of your baby. If you are away from your baby, then have a look at your baby’s photo or a video. It will help the let-down reflex and increase your milk supply.
21. Find a lactation consultant
It’s always good to have a professional by your side to ensure you keep breastfeeding and also help if things are not going right.
22. Believe in yourself
Finally Last but not the least tip in my – 22 Tips on How to increase milk supply is ‘Belief’. This is the most important tip – Trust & belief in self.
Most moms can build and maintain a healthy breast milk supply for their babies and so can you. Don’t let your fears and insecurities undermine your confidence. Breastfeed with confidence and consistently.
Never be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help or just to confirm if things are going well. You can talk to your doctor, a lactation consultant, or your support group of breastfeeding mothers. Talking to any of them will help you keep your mind at ease and also help you in establishing a healthy supply of breast milk so that you can continue breastfeeding without any hassle.
Key takeaway
Mommies, whatever your technique of feeding, just be proud of it and be happy with the fact that you are doing your best to breastfeed your child. Trust me, low milk supply is a common concern among moms—you’re not alone and so if you’re worried about how to increase milk supply, then let me tell you – You most positively can though this article on 22 Tips on how to increase milk supply.
However, in the meanwhile, if you feel your breast milk supply is low, then I hope this article on how to increase milk supply helps you out and eases your anxiety.
Providing breast milk for your baby is an essential step that helps kick start their life. Follow these simple tips to increase your breast milk supply, but do seek expert advice if necessary.
Happy breastfeeding!