Identical Triplets, Myth or Reality!
Can Triplets Be Identical???
- Author: Amar Kirale
- >> Post Created: August 24, 2020
- >> Last Updated: November 5, 2024
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Veena Shinde (M.D, D.G.O, PG – Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) from Warick, UK) Mumbai, India
Identical Triplets - Table of Contents
I am a proud father of 4 kids including triplets, all boys. Although my boys are fraternal triplets (Non Identical Triplets or Trizygotic Triplets), but they do look extremely similar.
My wife and I can easily identify our boys, but it has been a struggle for not just strangers but also our families to differentiate between the 3 of them.
During the first year, we had to continuously use identifiers to help other caregivers identify them. We used different colored strings on their ankles, used different colored clothing for each of them, and at one point I even opted to give them three different haircuts because people were just getting so confused.
This got me thinking, if its so confusing for people to identify fraternal triplets, then what would happen in case of identical triplets or multiples and further – can triplets be identical? Is that possible even possible?
It was easy to understand twins being identical as one fertilized egg divided into two will lead to identical twins.
My research is what I have incorporated into this article about all you need to understand about Identical Triplets and find the answer to – Can Triplets be Identical? I hope it helps you as well.
Understanding Types of Triplets through Zygosity
You are going to have triplets when you conceive three babies in a single pregnancy. Like twins, even triplets can be categorized based on their zygosity. Twins are mainly monozygotic or dizygotic.
But most triplets are trizygotic, which means that each baby will be formed from a separate egg and sperm combination. These triplets are called “fraternal” triplets and have genetic similarities just like any siblings.
Sometimes triplets can also be dizygotic. This happens when two eggs are fertilized by different sperms, but soon one of the eggs further divides into two to develop monozygotic twins. So you will have a set of identical twins and a third child who is a fraternal triplet of the other two.
Types of Triplets
Understand Monozygotic Triplets (Identical Triplets)
Monozygotic/ Identical triplets are extremely rare. It would mean that one fertilized egg will have to divide into three or the fertilized egg will divide into two and one of the zygotes will further divide into two giving all three babies the same genetic characteristics. There is nothing the women or her partner can do to influence the occurrence of identical triplets. It is completely biological luck.
Just like identical twins, identical triplets are always of the same gender. Some identical triplets start out as quadruplets in which one of the embryos either vanishes or gets reabsorbed.
Read this next
How rare are Identical Triplets?
There have been very mixed reports and statistics regarding the number of identical triplets born. One 2012 report says that identical triplets are as rare as 1 in 100,000 births of which majority were conceived through assisted reproductive techniques.
Other reports have suggested statistics of identical triplets in the range of 60 thousand to 200 million. From this wide range it can be easily deciphered that there is no consensus on the numbers that experts agree upon. This huge range can be because of the high mortality rate in identical triplets.
On the other hand, the number of fraternal triplets is 1 in every 4000 naturally conceived births. The probability of identical triplets being 1 in every 6 triplet pregnancies.
But during the last few decades, the use of fertility treatments has increased the occurrence of twins, triplets, and other multiples by 75% as per the US Department of Health and Human Services.
No matter what the actual numbers are, you know your kids are one in a million.
Identical Triplets: Are They Completely alike?
I remember watching this documentary called “Three Identical Strangers”, where a set of identical triplets were separated at birth and were brought up by three different sets of parents. By the biggest coincidence that you can think of the 3 meet again when they are adults. The story did make front page news and the brothers became instant celebrities. People were amazed how identical they look along with how similar their behavior and many life experiences were.
I remember one of their friends commenting that when he looked at the 3 together he thought the first one looked more like the second than the third, and the second one looked more like the third than the first, and the third one looked more like the first than the second, and yet they were identical and different at the same time.
So this shows that genetics is not everything. You are shaped by both the genetics and the environment. Each baby will be subjected to a different environment not just growing up but also in the womb.
The environment factors include bone growth, pressures inside the womb, differences in umbilical cord length, blood flow, nutrition access inside the womb, blood pressure, position of the womb, hormone levels, contact with the amniotic fluid, etc.These different environments are the reason why even identical babies have different fingerprints.
So even if the triplets are identical, the environment that has helped shape them will make them unique.
How to Differentiate between Identical Triplets?
Once the triplets get older it gets easier to identify them, but when they are still tiny little babies it can be difficult. As parents also there might be times when you can get confused. This is the reason many parents develop different methods to identify their babies.
Our methods were to use different colored strings on the ankle, different colored clothes, and even different haircuts. Some other methods that I have heard of are using a different color nail polish on the toes of each baby, retaining the name tags provided from the hospitals till the babies outgrow them, using necklaces with pendants that showcase the first alphabet of their name (this can only work if all three have names from a different alphabet), etc.
I am sure you can find your own unique way that can help you identify your babies accurately. But remember to appreciate and promote the different characteristics of the children so that they themselves feel like individuals and not just “The Triplets.”
Final Thoughts
To answer the question “Can triplets be identical???”
We can say with certainty that triplets can be identical. Identical triplets are extremely rare and are, therefore, covered by newspapers and news channels. Seeing identical triplets is a rare chance; many doctors go through their entire practice without seeing naturally conceived identical triplets.
But no matter how rare identical triplets are, they give their parents triple the joy and triple the love all through their life.
Hope you liked this article. Do let us know what you think of it. If you have Identical Triplets do feel free to share your photos and your story on . We would definitely add your experience and pictures to the article.
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Hey Guru, what entice you to publish an article. This text used to be extraordinarily fascinating, especially due to the fact that I was looking for ideas in this subject last Thursday.
Thanks David.
I am expecting twins. This is a Good read. Very informative.
Congratulations Vivian. Feel free to get in touch with me or my wife if you need anything.
Thanks for posting this post. Just got my first trimester screening for triplets and was browsing for some information. Very few websites focuses on twins and triplets.
Nice blog. I liked your perspective. Being a mother I have experienced quite a lot of things mentioned on this blog.
Good work. Keep rockin.
Excellent! I am expecting triplets 🙂
This info is very helpful.
Keep up the good work.
– Audrey
Thanks Audrey and all the best.
Thanks Audrey. And all the best.
Good detailed information.
Thanks for the wonderful information.
I liked your content hence was browsing through your blog and just realized you too have triplets 🙂
Are they identical.
Thanks Nova 🙂
Technically they are non identical but still are very similar.
After watching “Three identical strangers” I was amazed and started doing some research on this topic and reached here.
Must say, well written and well researched.
Thanks 🙂
Thanks Olivia.
Its indeed an intriguing film.
Thanks Olivia
Well written. Keep up the good work. Never though that it could be so complicated.
Thanks Frida.
They say, most of the times fact is stranger than fiction.
Thanks Frida
I wonder how moms handle it. Hats-off to all mothers of triplets.
I was thinking of posting something on pregnancy on my website and you gave me an idea. Thanks.
Well written and well researched. Keep up the good work.
Superb information. Very helpful.
Thanks a lot.
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Informative! Thanks.
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Nice one.
Have seen a movie on this but never knew the scientific facts.
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Thank you for the information. Me and my classmate were preparing to do a research on identical triplets. We received a very good book on that matter from our local library but it did not have all the info that were looking at. I am quite glad to see this kind of information which I was searching for a long time.
Never knew these facts about identical triplets. Nice post. Very well written.
Keep up the good work.
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