Understanding connection between teething and diaper rash
Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Kedar Patnekar (MBBS, D.N.B, D.C.H, Specialist Pediatrician) Dubai, UAE.
- Author: Amar Kirale
- >> Post Created: April 28, 2022
- >> Last Updated: January 21, 2025
Teething Diaper Rash - Table of Contents
One of the difficult phases for the baby and parents is the teething stage, where the baby becomes irritable and clingy. Many times, the baby also suffers from fever or diaper rash, which is usually attributed to the teething phase.
Is there anything know as – teething diaper rash?? Does the teething phase bring diaper rash or the fever????
Many parents wrongly believe so!
In this article, we intend to bust some common teething beliefs, understand various teething symptoms, and explain what ‘teething diaper rash’ actually is and is it really related to teething directly.
What is Teething?
On the surface, you know that the teething period is when your baby starts developing teeth. However, it is necessary you understand it in detail. As per the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), teething begins when the baby is around 6 months old and continues till the baby is about 30 months of age, to develop 20 baby teeth in the duration. In some babies, it can start from as early as three months.
Now in these 30 months, the baby’s overall body, immunity is also developing, fighting germs, getting adapted to new conditions, etc., which in turn can cause some symptoms or minor issues on their own, but they get associated with teething. Teething does have its own symptoms, but all the few signs/issues your baby may face during this period may not be caused by it alone.
Did you know that a study of 475 tooth eruptions in babies determined that for one tooth to pop through, there is an 8-day ‘teething window’?
It is during this time that the baby displays teething symptoms/ signs, which we will discuss next. Symptoms start showing four days before the tooth is to pop through the gums, on the day it does erupt and last till the next 3 days.
What are the teething symptoms?
There are several teething symptoms that parents have always assumed correctly, but many those that they never thought were even associated with teething. There are several studies which have been done for this which prove so.
Teething Symptoms are –
- Feeling feverish (mild temperature increase, under 102F)
- Reduced appetite for solid foods
- Sucking
- Increased biting
- Irritability (probably due to the pain or inflammation around the area of tooth eruption)
- Drooling
- Gum-rubbing
- Wakefulness
- Ear-rubbing (on the side where the tooth is erupting)
- Facial rash (red face, rosy cheeks)
Symptoms that are not related to teething are –
- Congestion
- Sleep disturbance
- Reduced appetite for liquids
- Cough
- Any other rashes besides facial
- Fever over 102F
- Vomiting
- Teething diaper rash
Read this next
Relation between Teething and Diaper Rash
There is no direct connection between teething and the diaper rash your baby is suffering from. The diaper rash could be caused by one of the following reasons –
- Infrequent diaper changes
- Diarrhea or loose motions
- Irritation from urine, stool
- Irritation from new products
- Yeast infection
- Changes in diet
Diarrhea can be one of the leading causes of diaper rash and it can be due to change in diet (excess intake of sugars), use of antibiotics, viral or bacterial infections or sometimes intestinal or digestive issues.
To treat diaper rashes, use baby-safe diaper rash creams or other home remedies for diaper rash. We also recommend letting the baby stay diaper-free for a while so that the region gets some air.
Teething Diaper Rash
However, there can be an indirect relation between teething and diaper rash. Certain teething symptoms can in turn cause issues that give rise to diaper rashes.
For example, during the teething period, babies drool or salivate, which can upset the stomach and cause diarrhea, which, as explained above is a major trigger for diaper rashes.
Another teething symptom is when babies bite, suck or chew or many objects that may be contaminated by bacteria and this in turn may upset their stomach again.
So you see, this is why many parents end up directly seeing diarrhea or even diaper rashes as a teething symptom. Besides this, there is no direct connection between teething and diaper rash. So, there are no teething diaper rashes!
How to prevent diaper rashes during teething?
The first and foremost precaution against diaper rashes, during teething or any time, is changing the diaper as soon as it is soiled and not allowing your baby to stay in the moist diaper for long. It is also recommended to use some baby-safe cream/ointment to create a barrier for skin and help it heal faster.
While teething, babies tend to chew, suck or bite random objects to soothe their sore gums. Make sure you give your baby chilled or frozen items /cleaned pacifier / teething rings, etc. to chew or suck on to avoid any bacterial infection.
Talk to your pediatrician about giving your baby minor analgesics like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for the pain.
If your baby still suffers from diaper rashes, especially during the teething period, here’s what you can do to help the little one –
- Timely diaper changes
- Using warm water to clean the diaper region gently before changing
- Using creams or ointments to relieve the inflammation and help it heal faster. You could also use natural coconut oil or even baking soda paste to heal the so-called teething diaper rashes. Pediatricians often recommend zinc or petroleum-based creams for this. Apply on dry skin.
- Avoid tight diapers, which can cause chafing – look at diapers for sensitive skin or organic diapers or non-toxic diaper options
- Allow the diaper region to get some air, it dries the skin naturally and disallows the bacteria to thrive
Key Takeaway
It is necessary to know the right cause of any issue your baby is facing to treat it correctly or even prevent it altogether.
Crediting any & all symptoms to teething may sometimes make your baby go through the same problem repeatedly, as you fail to treat it for the real cause.
Diaper rash is a nuisance, but there is no such thing as a ‘teething diaper rash’! – So no relation between teething and diaper rash.
You can prevent diaper rashes when you know the real reason behind it and teething isn’t one of them.
Always monitor the symptoms and consult your pediatrician if they do not get better in a couple of days or so.
We hope this write-up informed you about the real teething symptoms and what you can do to help your baby during this painful period.
Hope your child has a happy teething phase!
You have a great blog here!
My daughter has teething diaper rash and was looking for some home remedies online.
Thanks for the tips.