Medically Reviewed by: Dr. Veena Shinde (M.D, D.G.O, PG – Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) from Warick, UK) Mumbai, India
Author: Khushboo Kirale
- >> Post Created: October 24, 2021
- >> Last Updated: March 28, 2025
When Do You Start Showing in pregnancy - Table of Content
That joyous feeling that a woman gets when she first realizes that a tiny little baby has started growing inside her, can be matched with none other on this planet. The slow and steady growth of the baby bump as it starts showing, only keeps adding to the joy.
The most common question a pregnant woman gets in the initial phase of their pregnancy is – ‘When do you start showing?’ The entire world wants to know this… For that matter even get compared to – ‘oh XYZ started showing early – you are late’, so on and so forth…
Honestly, its harrowing to get the same question again and again – ‘When do you start showing?’ And I hated to be compared with anyone else. I started showing late in my first pregnancy and was bombarded with same questions.
Hence it’s essential to be aware of the fact that all of us are different and have different body types and therefore, the exact time of the baby bump visibility might differ for everyone based on certain factors (sometimes as simple as the number of pregnancies).
So there may be no need to worry if you start showing earlier or panic if you start showing later in pregnancy than others. To help mothers like you get a fair idea of when do you start showing pregnancy and what influences it, we have written this article with some really good insights as well as personal experiences. Hope you like it and it helps reducing your anxiety regarding the subject.
When do you start showing in pregnancy – Reasons that affect the visibility of your baby bump
It is vital for every pregnant woman to know that each body is different and so is every pregnancy. Comparing the time when your baby bump starts showing with other pregnant women might not be a wise thing to do, especially if your doctor says that everything is normal.
‘When do you start showing pregnancy’, all depends on a number of factors. Listing the reasons affecting visibility of your baby bump:
i. The sequence of pregnancies
The first pregnancy starts showing a little later, say between 12 to 16 weeks. On the other hand, pregnancies after the first one show within the first trimester. Stretched abdominal muscles from the first pregnancy make the other pregnancies visible sooner.
ii. Weight & body type
Your body’s size & type also have a significant role to play as to when you start showing pregnancy. If the area around the belly already has some weight around it, then a noticeable baby bump may take time to show. It may start showing a little later in the second trimester.
In body types, the torso length and the weight around the midsection helps determine the belly type, which in turn plays an important role in determining when do you start showing pregnancy. Women who are on the heavier side may notice that once they start showing, they have a B-shaped belly unlike a D-shaped belly that is seen in women who are in their ideal weight range. However, there is no reason to worry, as the B-shaped belly will start looking like the D-shaped one by the third trimester.
Women with ideal weight, but who do not have strong core muscles may also start showing earlier because of relaxed abdominal muscles. Their stomach easily adjusts to the growing baby.
We used to get this question a lot when I was pregnant – ‘So when do you start showing?’- primarily because of my broad bone structure overall and a few other things, I was not showing much till 20-22 weeks in my first pregnancy. So do not fret in case you get asked the same question a lot. You just have a different body type.
So long as your doctor says your child and you are progressing well, do not bother much in terms of when do you start showing pregnancy.
iii. Shape of the uterus
A woman’s uterus may either be retroverted uterus (one that leans toward the back) or an anteverted uterus (slants forward). Women with retroverted uterus may start showing pregnancy a little late, while the latter may show much earlier.
iv. Age
For women who are pregnant in their 30s or at an older age, a baby bump is visible earlier. The logic here is that older women may not have strong abdominal muscles, which makes a baby bump visible sooner.
v. Incorrect calculation of due date
If you are concerned that your baby bump isn’t showing or showing too early, then there are chances that the predicted due date could be incorrect.
vi. A bloated stomach
One of the most common side effect of pregnancy is bloating, which can have an effect on when do you start showing pregnancy. Generally bloating makes you show earlier than usual.
This is caused by the numerous changes taking place in your body during pregnancy.
However, it is also vital to know that an unusually small or large baby bump during the course of your pregnancy should be checked for any possible complications.
vii. Carrying multiples
As mentioned before, you will definitely start showing much earlier as compared to a singleton. So when people ask when do I show pregnancy with twins or multiples, we tell them our own experience.
Well we know the difference – Personal experience. Everything is heightened if you are carrying multiples – let it be hCG levels, morning sickness etc. So why would you not start showing early? I started showing between 6-8 weeks while I was carrying triplets. Not too much, but we could see the difference on my bump.
Growth of your baby bump
In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman’s body is going through many changes as a baby is developing within it. A woman feels different in many aspects during pregnancy, but starts looking different only when the baby bump starts showing.
Here’s a general idea about the size of your baby at different periods of time –
- At 12 weeks, the baby is as small as a lemon. This is when your uterus starts expanding to accommodate the baby, but the baby bump at this stage is only felt by you and is not noticeable to others.
- By the time it is the 16th week, the baby grows and is about the size of an avocado.
- By the 20th week, it is as big as a banana; that’s when your baby bump starts showing.
- By the 24th week, it is the size of a cantaloupe and that’s when you are visibly pregnant.
- At 28 weeks, which is when you enter the third trimester, the baby grows to the size of an eggplant
- At 35 weeks, the growth of the baby advances to the size of a watermelon.
- By the delivery time, the baby grows almost as big as a watermelon.
However, the pregnant belly looks much bigger because apart from the baby, it also holds extra fat and amniotic fluid for the baby’s sustenance.
Being body conscious with a baby bump
A visible change in the way your body looks with a baby bump might make you very conscious and may even make you feel less beautiful. However, here are some pointers to enjoy the pregnancy without feeling negative about your looks.
- Do not give up grooming when you start showing in pregnancy. Visit your beautician and continue to take care of your looks (with everything that’s safe in pregnancy). You may be a mom-to-be, but you are also a woman who needs to be pampered!
- Don’t disregard maternity fashion when you start showing pregnancy. So you may think you need maternity clothes for nine months only, but they can play a vital role in keeping your spirits up. So a little indulgence here can be no harm.
- Continue to stay active and feeling fit even when you start showing in pregnancy. This can ward off some of the blues that a weight-gaining body might invite. There is no need to slow down significantly.
- Do not keep weighing yourself when you start to show pregnancy. While it is necessary to keep a watch on the weight of the baby and your own, constantly feeling conscious about it might ruin the experience of pregnancy for you.
- Believe others when they say you look beautiful. When you start to show in pregnancy, your beauty might not be conventional, but there is certainly an incomparable glow that you gain. Need we say more here?
Read this next
Living with a baby bump
Going out in public with a baby bump can be a little daunting for many pregnant women, especially the first-timers. On the other hand, some women may enjoy flaunting the joy of pregnancy. Here are a few tips that might help –
- When you start showing in pregnancy and wish to hide the baby bump, then wearing loose-fitting clothes and jackets can help. Fabric-wise, choose thicker ones for a better job.
- There are a number of simple hacks on the internet you can try with your early pregnancy clothes as your baby bump continues to grow.
- Bending to pick up things as the baby bump grows can become one of the most difficult tasks during pregnancy. When you start showing in pregnancy, it is always advised to take the support of some solid furniture and squat to bend.
- When you start showing pregnancy, the growing baby bump can make even sleeping difficult. This can be made easier with the help of pregnancy pillows. They not only support the baby bump, but also help ease the back pain.
When do you start showing - FAQs
When do you start showing in first pregnancy?
The first pregnancy usually comes with a lot of joy, accompanied by many inhibitions. There are tons of questions about when you will start showing and how to deal with it.
Normally in the first pregnancy, a baby bump does not show in the first trimester. You will start seeing a small bump after you enter the second trimester, between the 12th and 16th week. However, it might be visible in some mothers only by the 20th week.
Your weight and body type also matter here. If you are a woman with a comparatively smaller waistline and a lower weight, you will start showing the baby bump around the 12th week. If you are a broad-bodied woman who has a broad bone structure or someone who is a bit on the chubbier side, then there is a possibility that you may start to show later around the 16th or 17th week or maybe even as late as the 20th week.
When do you start showing in second pregnancy?
As you are an experienced mother now, your second pregnancy may bring fewer inhibitions, but there can still be a concern as to when you will start showing. If you are pregnant again, then you will start showing the baby bump earlier this time; normally in the first trimester itself.
The explanation to this is simple; the first pregnancy leaves your abdominal muscles stretched, which may or may not regain their original form. Therefore, you might show a baby bump earlier as compared to your first pregnancy.
When do you start showing in twin or multiple pregnancy?
If you start to show even before your first trimester ends, then you are probably carrying twins or even higher-order multiples. So your baby bump will start showing by the 6th week itself, as comparison to someone carrying a single baby who starts showing only after 3–4 months.
The uterus grows faster to accommodate more than one baby, and hence
you show earlier.
Why do some women start showing early?
As mentioned above, various factors like second or later pregnancies, body type & weight, shape of the uterus, age and bloated stomach have a role to play when it comes to showing early.
Another likely reason for showing early can be Diastasis Recti. Explained in simple words, it is the parting of muscles along the abdominal midline, which is caused by the growing uterus that pushes against it. The place where the muscles separate gives an impression of a bulge and hence makes the pregnancy visible sooner.
This is entirely normal and is a high possibility in women who are above 35 years of age, women who have carried big babies earlier and women who have already delivered once before.
When to be concerned about the baby bump?
It is very common for pregnant women to compare their baby bumps to other women. However, that is never advised as it may give rise to unnecessary concerns.
On the other hand, if you are not showing even in the third trimester, then it is suggested you meet with your doctor.
It is natural that with the baby growing, the bump too grows in the stipulated time. However, if at any time you feel that the growth has slowed down or stopped, immediately contact your doctor.
Final thoughts
‘When do you start showing in pregnancy!’ is one of the very first milestones that you look forward to – which is visible on you. The question itself is also one of the most common question you come across from the world.
It is just the beginning of the very list of other questions which are going to come in slowly on your journey to delivering your baby and becoming a mother.
This entire journey is filled with excitement, inhibitions, and involves a roller coaster of feelings.
A woman should not hesitate to turn to her doctor for her concerns and avoid comparing her pregnancy journey with any others. This is a memorable time that every woman should cherish, without worrying much about the changes her body is going through. After all, it is no small feat to bring a life into this world!
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